Debuted: Anime Los Angeles 2018
When Riot released the new Star Guardian skins, Ahri's was an instant must to cosplay! I immediately got a group together for ALA. Unfortunately, life happens and we ended up only having three Star Guardians, but that's okay! I was still glad I got to cosplay Star Guardian Ahri! I made the entire costume in less than a month. I was so happy with my sewing on this time--I took my time and learned to use my Serger just for this project! I patterned everything for this costume. The top was a little tricky since it actually has these weird seam lines drawn into the design and I wasn't sure it would work (it worked perfectly though--I guess someone who knows clothing modeled this character). All the non-fabric pieces are made from foam, the bows have foam inside to give them shape and the side pieces on the bottom of the top have foam insides. This was probably one of my better wig styling jobs at the time. I ombred the wig and then took my time to style it and add spikes and loops where needed. The tails where the only thing I didn't make! I saw them for sale in a Facebook group for extremely cheap. Sadly, I have no idea who made them. The person who sold them to me didn't know either (I assume she had purchased them used from someone else too). But they've maintained perfect condition! What was made?
Both skirts. Top. Stockings. Gloves. Ears. Bows & stars. Headband & hair pieces. Choker. Wig-styled & dyed. What was bought? Tails. Shoes. Related Links!
Photographer: N.
Editor: Arlena Fae Reference:
Material & Cost BreakdownPink Fabric
Material: Satin
Cost: $10 per yard Purchased: 1 yard Where: Joann's Fabric White Stretch Fabric
Material: Stretch/Preformance
Cost: About $10 per yard Purchased: 2 yard Where: Joann's Fabric EVA FOam
Material: 2mm and 4mm EVA Foam
Cost: $1.89 per sheet (4mm), $5 per pack of 10 (2mm) Purchased: 2 sheets, 1 pack Where: Hobby Lobby/Michael's (4mm), Walmart (2mm) Tails
Material: Green Winter Leggings
Cost: $50 Purchased: 1 Where: Cosplay Yardsale FB Group White Fur
Material: Faux Fur
Cost: $20 per yard Purchased: 1/4 yard Where: Joann's WIg
Material: Long Peach Wig
Cost: $25 Purchased: 1 Where: eBay Purple Fabric
Material: Satin
Cost: $12 per yard Purchased: 1/2 yard Where: Joann's White Satin Fabric
Material: Satin
Cost: $12 per yard Purchased: 1 yard Where: Joann's Fabric Glittery Spray
Material: PlastiDip's Metalizer
Cost: $10 per can Purchased: 1 can Where: Amazon Acrylic Paint
Materials: Orange, Pink, Gold, White, Dark Pink
Cost: $0.89 per bottle Purchased: 5 bottles Where: Walmart Bias Tape
Materials: Gold Double-Folded Bias Tape, about 3/4" wide
Cost: about $3 per pack Purchased: 6 packs Where: Joann's Fabric Lace
Material: White Lace
Cost: $1 per roll Purchased: 1 roll Where: eBay Horse Hair Braid
Material: 4" Horse Hair Braid
Cost: $15 per roll Purchased: 1/4 roll Where: eBay Total Estimated Cost: $175
Work-in-Progress PhotosBuild TimeShopping: About half a day + an hour or two of searching online
Pattern Making: About 2 days Sewing: 3-5 Days Foam Work: About 1 day Painting: About 1 day Wig Styling: About 2 days **Days are not a full 24 hours. They're more like "work" days. Meaning for each day, I worked on the cosplay for anywhere from 4-10 hours per day--it's all a rough estimate.
Fun Facts!
Why'd you cosplay this?
- Ahri was one of my mains when I played League of Legend regularly. There's many skins of hers I want to cosplay but this one happened to work out with a previous purchase I made. I saw someone selling their Ahri tails for a ridiculously low price and had to snatch them up! They're super well made, pose-able and not too uncomfortable to wear (for a few hours). But they were made for the Popstar Ahri skin. So when another skin with pink tails was released for Ahri I had to jump on that! It was the perfect chance to finally put these tails to use.
- I actually received some bruises from wearing this cosplay! Since the tails are only held up via a ribbon that ties around me waist and can get a bit heavy after some wear, I wore a corset with this costume to help keep my posture decent and to better support the tails. However, this also made the boning in a very cheap corset dig into my ribs which left me with some bruising that lasted a couple months. I think it was there for about 2 months or so. Luckily it didn't hurt much, my ribs were only sore for the first couple of days. A big reason for the bruising came from the fact I wore this cosplay from early morning (around 8am or so) until around 11pm or 12 midnight. I don't plan on wearing the tails for anywhere's near as long next time. Lesson learned!
- I competed in a cosplay competition with this. A friend I was cosplaying with really wanted to enter the cosplay competition so we could preform on stage. Don't worry, I made it clear we didn't make the tails! We preformed a dance in the competition. If I'm remembering right, it's the one Ahri does. We didn't win but it was fun to try something new and get up on stage for a skit portion (competitions I had entered up until then didn't have a skit portion).