Debuted: Ani-Me Comic Con 2018
Gwenpool is such a cute character and I'm a sucker for costumes with a lot of pink in them, so I just had to cosplay her. I used Riddle's bodysuit pattern from Simplicity and slightly altered it to create the bodysuit. The mask, arm pieces and leg pieces patterns were made using the duct tape method. I purchased toy guns and swords and repainted those to be color accurate. I did the same for all the belts that I thrift-ed. What was made?
Bodysuit. Belts-altered. Pouches. Mask. Sword-altered. Wig-dyed. Guns-altered. Leg pieces. Arm pieces. What was bought? Gloves. Shoes. Related Links!
Photographer: Nick O.
Editor: Arlena Fae Reference: