Debuted: February 2017
This was a super for fun and non-serious cosplay. It was something I decided to throw together simply because I saw the exact outfit she has in the fan art on eBay for about $7. Once that arrived, I took a day to style the wig and then snapped a couple photos of it. The wig was fun to style and one of my first times attempting spikes. I didn't realize how well the hair spray I had works, so the spikes didn't fall--at all. I was thinking that they'd end up falling a bit and looking softer, but nope! So.. whoops? I will definitely be cosplaying actual skins of hers in the future though! And I'll definitely be shortening and softening the spikes for that. She's fun to cosplay and this non-serious, silly shoot was a nice break from working on my bigger builds. What was made?
Nothing! Everything for this costume was purchased! What was bought? Top. Shorts. Bunny ears. Collar. Stockings. Shoes. Related Links!
Photographer: Arlena Fae