Debuted: Ani-Me Pokecon & Car Show 2016
I needed to find something fitting for this convention, something Pokemon themed. I had remembered seeing some cool gijinka designs done by SunsetDragon a while back. I ended up picking her Umbreon design. I love the entire Eeveelution line and want to cosplay them all, so it was nice to check another one off my list. I made everything for this cosplay except for the socks. The bodysuit pattern was made by tracing around a previous bodysuit. I did a similar thing with the vest. I traced around a vest I previously owned and free-handed a basic hood pattern. All the patterns for the other pieces where free-handed as well. I also re-used the scarf I made from my Bombshell Supergirl for this cosplay. The swords were made from insulation foam board and sealed with wood glue. After that everything was painted with spray paint and acrylics. What was made?
Bodysuit. Vest. Scarf. Body chain & skirt. Swords. Leg wraps. Arm wrap, bands & glove. What was bought? Stockings. Shoes. Related Links!
Photographer: Nick O.