Debuted: Ani-Me Pop Summit 2016
Widowmaker was instantly my most favorite Overwatch character. She went on my cosplay list the first time she appeared in game teasers. She's definitely one of my favorite cosplays. I have a video series on how I made all of Widowmaker on YouTube, so I'll just do a quick recap. For the bodysuit I took a basic bodysuit pattern and altered it to be the correct shape/design as hers. It took me a couple tries and needing to redo it once until I got it right. The armor pieces where made from eva foam and sealed like normal using wood glue. The gun was made from insulation foam board and the different layers were eva foam. This was my first time doing lighting of any sort and I had so much fun working with leds. I definitely learned a lot and it's become a lot less intimidating to use leds now. What was made?
Head piece. Shoulder & gauntlet pieces. Gloves-altered. Bodysuit. Gun. Leg & shoe armor. What was bought? Nothing! Everything for this costume was made by me. Related Links!
Photographer: Arlena Fae, Madoka Cosplay & Photography, Evan Chen Photography, Fresno's Cosplay & Short Film