I decided to do a hair time. Maybe I'll make it into a video later one as well. But after I color my hair more... because it will happen. I still plan to do a mint green color, half black and blue, and go back to a pastel pink. Oh and this really color black, blue, purple and turquoise pattern I saw, maybe a pastel mixture as well. Anyways... So here's my hair timeline so far. Including different cuts I guess. I couldn't find any of my original hair photos. But basically before the first few photos my hair was down to almost my waist (when straight), very plain, always worn natural, kinda flat but while being big-curly and it's the color of the brown in the first few photos (before I dyed it red- you'll see). So like I said. My hair before this was super long and all one solid brown color. Unfortunately I was stupid and cut it all off ;-; -I regret it, I want my super long hair back now that I know how to style it. Anyways, it was about this length for a while and in high-school I went and had the underneath part bleached. After that I dyed the underneath black/a super dark brown and it eventually faded to my natural color. I went and put a red streak in my hair sometime in high-school as well. I only tried to mix it in my bangs for a day or two. The streak eventually faded to a brassy dark blonde. And I started wearing a middle part... Yuck (at least here it was xD). I'm so awkward looking! It faded a bit more to a bright blonde. I left the middle part for a fringe. I believe it started straight-cut and then just grew on into a side fringe -kinda. After that I got a s-waver and was obsessed with just having mermaid hair. Here's an absolutely awful picture during when I first bleached my hair. Red face and runny makeup, dark circles and all. I remember seeing the blonde and thinking, "Gawd it looks awful on me, I'll never do that." Truth is the blonde was fine, I just looked terribly awful back then (please discover makeup and hair styling techniques already ;-; ). I did red and black hair. Mostly red with black under my bangs and a few thin black streaks. This was early college I believe. I liked how it turned out, a friend did it for me, but I didn't like how I looked with it. Like previously, I just didn't like how I looked! And I was still figuring out how to style my hair (and needed to fix my bangs already!). This was probably a month later. I threw brown over the top. So it was a really red-ish brown. The black had faded a bit by now too. The red had faded out more and now it was a brown color with a red-ish tint but that faded quickly too. Oh and straight cut bangs. I used a box color meant for dark hair to dye it to a natural red color. Since my hair had previous color it didn't lift or take the color like it would have on virgin hair and turned a more reddish-brown instead. Looked more giner-y in the sunlight. The old black didn't take the color though. That faded and the black only showed up more. It faded to a super light color because now ALL the dyes in my hair wear rinsing out and beginning to fade back, closer to the blonde that was underneath. So it was a light-ginger brown color. I got my first wig a while later and wore that for a bit since I didn't know how to use extensions nor could afford it - I had yet to learn of eBay and minihouse8888. Continued to put a ginger-y color on my hair and the black faded more. Began cutting my own bangs and actually liked them. Actually I began cutting my own bangs a bit before this, back when I went to straight-cut bangs after dying brown over that red hair. I took a hair dye (luministia or something from loreal or some brand like that -box dye) meant to dye dark hair to a bright dark/deep red and so this was the result. Much more red than other colors. That faded to a red/ginger-brown. To even out all the different tones and colors in my hair I dyed it black. This is probably the middle of college (my community college experience at least). I dyed the under part of my bangs pink (using manic panic cotton candy pink I believe) shortly after dying it black. That faded to blonde. And then with the help of my lovely friend (the same one who's been helping me dye it before - at least all the bright colors) I bleached my whole head (a couple times) and went pink! It faded quickly though. And here's the brassy, kind of pink-tinted blonde color that faded to. This was still it the middle of college - over a summer break. And the beginning of that next fall semester I dyed my hair blue. This was probably my last year at that college. The beginning of the last year. I forget my reason for dying it black, but in order to do something I dyed it black and cut my bangs straight-across. This was mid-late fall, before/around Halloween. This is when I discovered extensions as well. So yay for long hair. I had black for a while. All throughout winter! Cut a grow-out undercut into my hair. Got rid of that undercut. Towards the spring time, I believe, I bleached all my hair (a few times) then dyed it a "milk tea brown" - basically a dirty blonde. That would end up lightening up a bit. Dip-dye my hair pink. Mixed in black extensions. I can't remember which of these two I did first but either way the pink faded out and I returned to blonde. Don't remember if these where after that (the black & pink coloring above) but my hair did return to just plain blonde. And the pink faded out. Blonde lasted all summer, into maybe September? A month or two into cosmetology school I dyed my hair a pastel purple. That faded back to blonde. I went and touched up the blonde and bought new, longer extensions. Used old extensions to make fake dreads and wore that for a bit. Took those out. Dyed my hair with la riche carnation pink mixed with conditioner. As a demo for the school, dyed my hair half pink, half purple/magenta (pastels) in a checkered print almost. No extensions. Dyed my hair a 3RV (dark red-violet). Was more purple-y at first. That faded and became more red-violet (this was towards the end of my cosmetology schooling now). That faded to a brown color. Bleached half my head so that I had half brown, half blonde coloring. No extensions. This was right at the very end. Bleached out the brown and dyed my hair a ginger-red color with a lighter orangey-blonde ombre. New extensions. This is currently.
So thanks for watching my hair journey so far. Will it ever end? Nope! :P Because I like coloring my hair. ~Positive outcomes only! :)
Comments like "why'd they donate to this when you can be donating to this? How selfish, messed up, stupid, etc..." I mostly see this on anything charity-related on YouTubers' videos.
Why? Because different people have different priorities. And just because they donate or raise awareness for one thing doesn't mean they don't care and will never donate to other things. Everyone leads different lives and have lived through different experiences and due to those they'll prioritize and want to donate to things they've personally been affected by. Myself, for example. I'll probably donate more and want to raise awareness more for things like animal rescue organizations, animal cruelty, there's a few more "feminists" (maybe you can call it that) or rape-culture focused ones (like cosplay does not equal consent-related projects), wounder warrior projects and different military/soldier focused charities. Does that mean I'll never donate to things like cancer (the typical go to one people use in their arguments -why don't to this when you can be donating to cure cancer?-)? No, I have before and I will later. Obviously it's not the only thing I'll donate to or be willing to participate in. Ice bucket challenge for example. Toys for tots. Homeless charities. Third world countries & children there. Etc, etc. It just means if given the choice, chance, I'll lean more towards those first few charities and organizations over others, just due to personal experiences. Also remember, this is subject to change. As life continues on people will go through more and different experiences that can change their priorities and add to what organizations and charities they feel more connected with and passionate about. People should just be happy that at the end of it all, they're still doing something that'll help out others and putting money towards a good cause. So my hair started out like the picture above, on the left. Brown on one side. Blonde on the other. Split down the middle. The blonde was originally the same color as the brown side. None of this is virgin hair nor my natural color -although I did have regrowth (aka roots that have grown out), so there was a couple inches of virgin hair. So if you're curious as to how I got it all one even color (besides the ombre added later), a ginger-y red, keep reading! But first, a disclaimer! Please note I have been to and complete cosmetology school and am in the processes of being a licensed cosmetologist. I am not new to the hair dying processes either. I'm also incredibly familiar with my hair (obviously) and know that it is uncannily strong (hence why usually was the first go-to when wanting to do some fun, bright color that required a lot of bleaching, in school)-my hair can take a beating and have very minimal damage, will repair itself fairly easily and won't break or fall out. Also note, whenever using bleach please look up some tips and advice for care afterwards and be careful. I personally recommend it's best to see a stylist, but I know that's not possible for everyone due to a variety of different reasons, so if you do plan to dye or lighten your hair yourself please read up on it as much as it can, follow directions and be careful! You are messing with chemicals and they can be very dangerous. ![]() Moving on. So as I said before. My hair was half brown, half blonde and had a couple inches of a darker brown regrowth. Before being able to dye anything even near the color I wanted it I had to first remove the brown colors. For the following reasons: My hair is darker my desired color, both my natural and colored. I needed to get my hair one even color and tone or else the dye would come out two different shades or even colors! While the hair dye I purchased does offer lift, I've never had good experience with it alone lifting it enough, so I still needed to lighten it beforehand. And lastly, about the dye offering lifting (meaning it'll lift previous color) it only works with virgin hair (un-dyed, no previous chemicals), color over color -even that with lift- only goes darker -color doesn't lift color very well. So I used 40 volume developer, the strongest, and mixed it -equal parts- with powder bleach. I applied that only to the middle (mid-shaft) of my hair to start. I also started in the back since that's where hair (and mine) is usually more resistant. You want to try to work as fast as possible and use a brush, applying the bleach evenly to thin sections. It's best if you have someone helping you. After that was applied and I could see that it lightened up some, I went back through and applied it to my regrowth, avoiding getting it on the scalp as best as possible, and pulling it all the way down, through my ends. The ends and regrowth are the most, I guess you could say, fragile parts of your hair and quick to take color/lightener, so you don't want to apply it there first! Even if you don't have regrowth it's best to stay an inch away from the scalp due to the risk of "hot roots" and chemical burns. Note: When I went back through and touched up my regrowth, I did so for both sides, so the regrowth was being lightened on the blonde half as well - I was careful to avoid overlapping it with the previous blonde. I waited until I saw my hair was about the same color all over and rinsed it out. I'd say I left it on for about 20 minutes, maybe 30. When rinsing it, I only washed with shampoo, no conditioner. Why didn't I use conditioner? Because I still had one more bleaching session to do and then had to dye it. ![]() So this was the result after the first bleaching. The underneath, bottom half was still a bit dark though. My goal was to get it to match the extensions I ordered. So I went ahead and dried my hair (letting it air dry for a bit first, applying some heat protection spray, then blow drying it). I pinned up the top half of my hair and just went from just off the scalp to the ends when applying the bleach to the lower half. I know I recommend against that but I did so to get through it as fast as possible and because I was only leaving it on for about 5 minutes. I waited until I saw it lighten up then rinsed it out. Using only shampoo again. This time I did do something different. I took some purple hair dye I had lying around and mixed a small little bit (literally the dipped the tip of my nail) with shampoo and rubbed that all over my hair. If you do this watch carefully! Unless you want your hair to turn purple! The shampoo will help stop it from dying some but that doesn't mean it won't still happen. What the purple mixed with shampoo did is take out the brassy color. So that's what I was watching for. I was watching my hair go from this brassy tone to a nicer, cool/neutral tone. Now all of my hair matched my extensions. After that I let it dry (repeating the same process I used last time). Time to mix my color! But first! So after all that my hair ended up lighter than I thought. Which means, I bought a developer that was stronger than needed. I would've been just fine using a 10 developer, probably even 20. The best option would've been to use a demi-permanent color since those only deposit color and has no lift -my hair was now lighter than my desired color and didn't need the lifting. I personally didn't want a demi-permanent color because red fades fast already, and with my experiences demi-permanents fade fairly fast as well -I wanted something more permanent. So I 10 developer probably would've been best. To make sure it was all fine I first took a strand in the back of my hair and applied a little dye to it, leaving it on for the recommended time then rinsing it. Everything went well! No damage, hair felt fine. I just came to the conclusion my hair was still on the darker side of blonde so it was probably the same level of the hair color I was going, which means the dye lightened it a bit then brought it back up to that level. May have helped even in evening the tone. So I mixed the rest of my dye, equal parts, mixing 4 oz at a time -meaning I would go back and mix more as needed. Left it on for 25-30 minutes, as the time recommended. As I waited for the dye to set I applied dye to my extensions, laying them on newspaper and basically painting each strip with the brush. I left out the ends though due to my plans to ombre it. Left it on the extensions for the same amount of time. This time when I rinsed it, it was with both shampoo and conditioner, except for the extensions -that was shampoo only. The hair color it came out. It's a bit more red-red hair then in person. In person it's more of a natural ginger color. ![]() So as for the ombre. I bought a lighter color of orange and applied that to the ends. Teasing the hair a bit before hand and then applying it in almost zig zags to avoid a straight line across that hair. Sadly, it didn't show up very well, it was still to close to the color of the original. So, after rinsing that and drying it I went back through and applied lightener to the ends, only leaving it on for about 3-5 minutes, watching it carefully. It did lighten up but not to my liking. I wanted it a bit lighter and up higher. So the next day I went through and re-bleached it. Once again leaving it on for about 5 minutes and watching it closely, using the same techniques. ![]() This was the result. Much happier with it. For the bleach I used the same as I had used earlier -40 developer, equal parts. As for the products I used. I used 6r, dark red blonde from the brand Ion, for the majority of my hair. Originally I applied a 7r, bright red (I believe was the name) from Ion. Note: The hair color level systems works like this; a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the lightest (a platinum/whitish blonde) and 1 being the darkest (black). Mixed both hair colors with 30 developer for sensitive scalp -bought that knowing I'd be pre-lightening, wanted to be nice to my head. The powder bleach was BW or something like that and the developer was 40 developer from Salon Care (maybe Sally's brand?). I purchased this all from a hair and beauty store called Sally's. Some little side notes and tips.
If you have something like Vaseline apply that around your hairline to keep the dye from staining your skin. Conditioner can work as well. Make sure to keep it off your actual hair though or else the dye won't take! Wear gloves! Bleach can and will burn after it's exposed to your skin for a longer period of time. And it'll hurt, for a few days even. Be safe and keep yourself protected. It'll also keep the dye from staining your hands. Red dye is one of the dyes that suck the most when trying to get off and staining everything so easily. Wash bleach off your skin asap. It'll more than likely get on your neck and sides of face, even your arms -try to wash it off as soon as possible, chemical burns suck! Trust me, I just did it. I didn't rinse it off soon enough when it sat on my neck and kept getting on it due to my hair touching it -chemical capes/those plastic-y hair cutting capes and a towel can protect you from this). So now I have a slight burn and it hurts to touch ;-; It'll go away soon enough tho. Nothing severe or major. Just the pain of hair color that happens every now and then. When you're dying you hair red, keep in mind, that it'll never go away! Not until you grow it out and cut it off. While it does fade and fast and requires a lot of constant upkeep, it won't ever truly leave. You'll see brassy tones keep popping back up once you dye your hair a different color, especially with blonde and brown. It'll be so hard to get rid of that brass blonde and your brown will seem to always turn ever so slightly reddish/have a subtle red tint. After I do any thing chemical-wise with my hair I won't wash it for a week. I want natural oils to come back in and repair it so I'll wait till it gets a bit oily (which takes about 5 days for me, it's different for everyone tho) and then leave it to set for a day or two depending on how damage it feels or what all I did. I'll keep repeating this too. Waiting a week in between washes for a few months (this number will lower to like 3 or 4 days though -after the first two weeks or so I'll do down to this). Also use different repairing treatments (mostly focused on breakage and restoring proteins), take vitamins focused at strong and fast hair growth, and heat protection spray before styling. Also when washing my hair, I'll let the conditioner set for at least 5 minutes or the entire duration of my shower (so shampoo first, conditioner and rinse it towards the end). Hope you found this helpful or enjoyed reading. If you're unsure, have fragile hair or damaged hair, but really just in general, I recommend you seek a professionals help if possible. It's really much better to just find a good salon, ask around for different suggestions and reviews, and make an appointment there. This way you have someone who's trained and licensed doing you hair and making sure it'll come out as best as possible. If doing it yourself, be safe and try to have someone there to help you, especially with the back of your head. Test strand everything first too! This way you can be a little bit more sure it's safe and things probably won't go wrong. ~Positive outcome So many people complaining. Commenting about how stupid the ice bucket challenge is. Why not just donate? Stop wasting water. So here's a few thing.
Why not just donate? Because sadly, just making some text post or even one with a photo attached won't get very much attention. It's just how things work. At this point, deal with it, because you trying to change that honestly won't do much. People want and need something that's different to draw their attention. You're taught this in grade school when you're taught how to write an essay. They always tell you to make sure your first paragraph is one that'll grab the readers attention and make them want to read more. Same thing applies here. It's a challenge/video that grabs the viewers attention and will actually make them listen, they'll want to know why, even do it for themselves. Tag videos, challenges, they're huge. Everyone wants to do them. Some hope it'll bring attention to their channels, blogs, social sites, etc. Some want to join in the fun. Some want both. But no matter what the reasoning is, they're just plain popular. Everyone wants to join in the trending challenge. And that's why you make a challenge out of it. It draws so many people in and at the end of it all, they've donated and learned about ASL. Stop complaining about how it's been made a challenge. It's done great things. Within this same time period last year they hardly made 2 million in donations. Because of this viral challenge, they've brought in over 30 million, and more's still coming. It's even grabbed the attention of major celebrities, who all probably donate a lot more than the average person because of the obvious reasons. And lastly, it's not really wasting water. I highly doubt anyone's actually using bottled water. The most it's wasting for anyone is money, just because it'll play a very small, almost unnoticeable part on their water bill. Oh and if they paid for a bag of ice and new bucket. But that's just helping out stores and business, so it's still got a plus side. That water was going to be used one way or another. Most of the time they're outside, so it's watering the grass, something that would've happened either way. It'll get evaporated, turn into a rain cloud and rain back down. It's a reusable resource. Or it's in a tub, going down the drain and back into the water system. Something that'd happen for a bath or shower or washing dishes, etc. To those comparing it to other third world countries. There's a difference. What third world countries are missing is clean water. Like I said, I highly doubt anyone's using bottled water. Most people are probably getting it from a hose or faucet. Tap water may be cleaner than straight from a river or something but it's still dirty and still not recommended for drinking, unless you have a filter on your tap. It was meant to be able to be something that was good for summer. A fun challenge to cool people off, perfect for the summer heat. Just another water activity, like running through sprinklers, water balloon/water guns fights, or swimming in a pool. It's like, well now they have this instead of that or can do it at the same time and it's for a good cause. It's a fun challenge, perfect for summer, and spreading a lot of awareness while raising a lot of money. Stop complaining and trying to turn it into a negative thing just because the world doesn't work the way you wanted to, and just learn to accept it and be happy that it's doing something positive for a lot of people. P.S. If you don't have money to donate don't feel bad about it! You can still play a part if you really want to and do the ice bucket challenge yourself anyways and/or share videos of others doing it. I'm really excited for my new hair color. I'm going a ginger-y color and making it into an ombre! It'll fade to a super light ginger-y color towards the ends, kind of like in all these photos (by the way, these photos where all found through searching "ginger ombre hair" and "ginger ombre hair tumblr").
It's going to be an all day.. or two.. process. I'll have to bleach the brown part of my hair first, leaving out the re-growth (or roots), then going back and doing those. Then go and touch up my roots on the blonde side and re-bleach the blonde as well. And then I'll probably have to bleach the brown again. I think I'll do the brown and the roots/regrowth of the blonde part first to even it all out, then wait a day or two and re-bleach the whole thing (leaving out the roots/regrowth because it'll get super light from the first bleach anyways). If I'm lucky the blonde I have now will match the extensions I ordered -since I ordered it in a golden blonde anyways- and I won't need to bleach it a second time. Yes this is super damaging but I'm super lucky and my hair can take it! (I love you hair <3 ). I've lightened it multiple times in one day in the past and it's been fine. Luckily I have super strong hair. Either way I'll trim it up a bit afterwards to make sure it says on the healthier side and cut my bangs either all "scene" like again or straight across. My extensions are super long too, 26 inches. I can't wait to have mermaid hair again. Hopefully my extensions say all nice because once I get bored of this color I'll be going either pastel pink or mint green/blue. ![]() Thread Rack ~ About $10 ~ Walmart So I searched on eBay for cheaper but only found them at the same price or more expensive. Thread racks make life so much easier. My entire sewing set up looks and feels so much nicer and more organized with this. No more thread just un-winding everywhere. ![]() Cork Board ~ $12.99 ~ Ross I like everything but the color of the frame. I'm just in love with these paintings, prints, other decor with different landmarks (mostly the Eiffel Tower ~which they had, just in a weird position-smack in the center and it felt off-). But the frame color was an easy fix for such a huge cork board. It's bigger than my torso! Anyways I plan to paint the frame either black or gold. Funko Pop Characters ~ $10 ~ Anime Expo 2014 There's a booth at Anime Expo every year that sells nothing but a huge variety of Funko Pop characters. I always have to buy something from there. Their figurines are $10 even. So this year I picked up Raven and Harley Quinn. I had such a hard time resisting the urge to grab Starfire, Beastboy and Merida as well. ![]() Soraka Poster ~ $3 ~ Da Ani-Kami Kon There was a booth there that had a huge deal/sale for these posters. They're about the size of a normal sheet of paper, maybe slightly bigger with what I believe was the Chinese splash art ~and some other art as well. So I picked up a Soraka one for myself and a Wukong one for my boyfriend. There was also a super cute Annie one and Sona one. ![]() Slim Coat Hangers ~ 12.99 ~ Ross At Ross I also went ahead and grabbed a pack of 25 slim coat hangers. I prefer these over the thicker ones because they usually have some sort of grip on them and the allow for the storage of more clothes! Which I really need, I have such a small closet so these hangers let everything actually fit. Fox Plushie ~$32-ish ~ Anime Expo So from a booth at Anime Expo (Bellzi) I grabbed this adorable fox plushie. They had a deal which gave quite a nice percentage (I believe it was 30%) off of their plushies if you just liked their Facebook page. Which I did in a heartbeat! There were so many adorable plushies (this, the raccoon and narwhal were my favorites ~different plushies different prices btw). They look professional done. Embroidery, tag and all. They're all handmade though! By one girl! They had a video too of her making all the plushies and the girl who made them was super adorable. They're made of such nice fabric and sewn together so well. Must buy more! ![]() Sailor Moon Necklace ~ $10 ~ Da Ani-Kami Kon At the same booth where I grabbed the Soraka poster I also was able to snag this cute necklace. There was only one! But 3 different types in general. The chain is a bit fragile. It already broke but is an easy fix since I already have the pliers meant for jewelry. The pendent itself though is lovely. Just a bit heavy ;^^. ![]() Spirit Gum & Spirit Gum Remover ~ $5.90 ~ eBay I've been needing this for a while so I finally bought some. On eBay you can find a small kit for fairly cheap. It's not the nicer brand or anything but it'll do the trick. Blue Leggings ~ $4.39 ~ eBay Fine quality and vivid color. Fits fine as well. Thicker material. One of the seems on the end of the leg/near the feet is a bit messed up and doesn't align correctly, but it's nothing really noticeable and is easily hidden with any higher-topped shoes. There's also a seem down the middle in both the front and back, I know that may bother some people so I figured it's worth mentioning. ![]() Velcro ~ $4 ish ~ Walmart Just one of those boring cosplay related item. Nothing really special to say about it. You can find velcro at the .99 cent and Dollar store btw. I didn't know that at the time. But it is obviously for a lesser amount. ![]() Plastic Dip ~ $7 something ~ Walmart Another cosplay related item. A much needed one though, especially if you're working with craft foam. This helps so much when prepping it for paint. You can easily find this in hardware stores, auto stores and the spray paint section at Walmart. ![]() Sharpies ~ $4.99 ~ Hobby Lobby Just normal metallic/silver sharpies. You could probably find them for much cheaper at department stores rather than buying them at a craft store. I'd look there if you're able to first. ![]() Prints ~ Various Prices ~ Storenvy So I recieved my test prints! Once my name change goes through on Facebook I'll be opening up my prints section in my Storenvy. ![]() Black Metallic Shorts ~ $2.58 ~ eBay These shorts are okay. I feel like they're meant for... taller people, I guess? The're too long so either it's they'd sit very high (and they're not meant to be high waist-ed) or the fall below where they're suppose to and look awkward. They also don't feel very stretchy. But not in the sense they won't stretch, in a way where it feels like they're already stretched out, and don't need to stretch to fit me which worries if they'll slowly slip. Either way I'll have to adjust them a bit. Over all though, they were super cheap so a little alterations is not big deal for a low price. ![]() Thigh High Socks ~ $3.95 ~ eBay Nice quality and all. Not the color I was expecting though. They had a couple different shades of pink shown but never specified which they listed (they only had one pink option). But it was the cheapest listing that was available when I ordered these so it was worth the gamble. I've re-ordered the correct color from a different seller, but these will come in handy someday. Plus they're just cute to wear around! ![]() Black Bikini ~ $3.15 ~ eBay So in the video I only showed/mentioned the top because I had forgotten it was a set. I received both, I've just misplaced the bottoms. Either way it's nice quality for a normal plain bikini. Perfect for altering and using for cosplays. Faux Leather Notebook ~ $5 ~ Ross Found this notebook at Ross and just had to grab it. It'd perfect for a Spelltheif Lux cosplay and it's just a cute/vintage-y notebook overall. It's got gold color rimming/lining on the pages which just adds to the very fantasy/vintage look. ![]() Eyelashes ~ $0.99 ~ Grocery Outlet Yeap. Bought these from a grocery store. I loved the way they faded from darker to light/fuller to thin. I think it creates a nice effect and will help give a more natural feel. ![]() Contour Palette ~ $4.83 ~ eBay So far so good. I use it quite often and it's lasting a while. Has so many different shades, even the greens and yellows and purples for concealing different blemishes and dark circles. ![]() Anti-Puff Eye Roller ~ $7 ish ~ Grocery Outlet Haven't used it too much to know whether it works or not but I'm hoping. It's by Garnier and I've liked their hair dye in the past so I'm hoping this'll be good. ![]() Nail Polish ~ $2.99 ~ Grocery Outlet I've been wanting a nude colored nail polish forever now, so when I saw this for only a couple dollars I decided to grab it. I've worn it and it's like any other nail polish. The quality and everything it's fine. ![]() Googly Eyes ~ $2 ish ~ Walmart Another one of the random cosplay things. Nothing special to say about these. ![]() Eeveelution Bag ~ $10 ~ Da Ani-Kami Kon Grabbed this from a booth at the convention. I can't remember the seller but I assume they'll be easy to find if you search around for chibi eeveelution fan art, maybe on DeviantArt? The bags a normal tote bag I believe with the girl's art printed on it. The art is just so cute! She also sold pints and shirts and had chibi drawings of so many different animes and characters. ![]() League of Legends Lanyard ~ Free ~ Anime Expo Got this from the League of Legends/Riot booth at Anime Expo. They were handing them out for free basically, all you had to do was answer a question (no trivia or anything, just who is your favorite champion or what's your favorite skin). The pin was given to me because they were short of my change at the Bellzi booth, so I got a free pin instead! ![]() Skin Codes ~ Free ~ Anime Expo Also got these from the LoL/Riot booth for just answering some fun little question. I had a give away on my Facebook page and I believe they're still not claimed on a few servers (Like Oceanic and EU). Whale Sweater ~ $12.99? or $10.99 ~ Ross Picked up this adorable whale sweater at Ross. It has cute little whales the spray little hearts printed all over it. The quality is nice, could be a bit fuzzier/softer but it'll do. I got it a size or too bigger but still want it to stretch a little more just because I prefer oversized sweaters. I do wish it was slightly lo ![]() Oxford Styles Shoes ~ $16 ~ Ross I've wanted Oxford inspired shoes for so long. They aren't in the exact color I wanted them, I prefer the more classic lighter/softer color look but I don't think they look bad either. Plus, they weren't too badly priced. So I decided to get them. The denim-like material has grown on me as well. ![]() PJ Pants ~ $11.99 ~ Costco My grandma and I both got a pair of pajama pants that were 2 for $11.99. Normal quality and what not. They're not super thick fabric so they're nice for cooler summer nights and will be good in the fall, even the start of winter, maybe all of winter if it's like the last (not very cold). ![]() Sword ~ $100 ~ Anime Expo I always buy a weapon whenever I go to Anime Expo. Can't resists. I love swords and different unique bladed weapons so much. Plus this one's from one of my favorite animes (SAO). So pretty. Nice painting and details. Good quality. Amazing shape, cut, so well done. *u* ![]() Prizes from Cosplay Competition ~ Free ~ Da Ani-Kami Kon Just some random prizes from the competition. It was a small con (but a surprisingly big cosplay competition o.O ) so they prizes are nothing SUPER fancy. T-shirt, mouse pad and some card game stuff, not sure what that is though. ~Positive outcomes only! :)
Please bare with me guise! ;^^ It's not as much to read as it looks! ><
I have decided to change my name for all my stuff. Why? Because I didn't want to keep using what was originally a gamer tag with no real reason behind it. I really enjoy cosplay and when I share it with people I'd like for it to be as me, with my actual name. So if I'm going to go by anything might as well be my name, right? Wolfie Rose was just a gamer tag I made up because I liked the name Wolfie but that of course was taken already. So I just threw something to the end of it which was Rose (and mostly because roses where sitting in front of me). But even that gets taken like everywhere ;-; And I really don't like having 0's in my name >< So I'm changing all but a few sites (DA, Storenvy, Cosplay.com~only because I either can't or it costs to change the url) from Wolfie/W0lfie Rose to Arlena Fae. ~No Fae isn't my real last name (it'd be totally cool if it was though!), but I decided I didn't want just Arlena and I'd prefer not to use my real last name as much as possible. So I improvised something, and that something happens to be my favorite word ever! Fae :) Now it has a couple different meaning, like in French it means confidence, trust or belief... but I picked it because it also means fairy or fairy-like or is a word for a fairy-like creature. Basically it deals with mystical and fantasy stuff so it's perfect! Plus fairies are small and I am short (and an old nick-name of mine was Pixie, so hey, close enough). So this means I'm changing my watermarks on all my photo. But I'll leave whatever I have up as is. I'll just be bulk changing stuff, like the albums here, on Facebook and DeviantArt, and of course any future stuff will be changes as well. It may be a bit of work but I'm never going to change my username stuff again, I promise, so it's okay! I'd just much rather use my real name on everything rather than a gamer tag, especially one that's not and has never been a nickname ;-; It's too strange for me (no offense to anyone who does so, it's just not my thing!). So bare with me. Once this is all out of the way and Facebook has finally done the name change (may take a couple days ;-; ) I'll have that give away for my prints up and open up my shop :) I'll be ordering a couple more prints and do another small give away shortly after that as a "Sorry I pulled a stereotype and was an indecisive woman but using my actual name makes me much happier, because the gamer tag just bugged me so much because I have OCD or some shit when it comes to this apparently, but thank you so much for sticking through even though you probably don't give two bumblebees anyways, but here let me throw some prints at your face and it'll make everything all better okay? Okay. I love you!" (Now read that ~what's in the quotes~ as fast as possible and it'd be exactly like I said it in my head --I should've taken out the spaces xD ). I figured it's best to get it done sooner than later though. And before I sell any prints so that if I sign any it'll be with my name and the name I shall forever go by in the cosplaying world! :D Okay, I love you guise! Thanks so much for the 300 likes on my facebook page. That's so much! ;^^ (At least to me it is >< ). And thanks for sticking through all my girly-confusing-ness. ~Positive outcomes only! :) ![]() My test prints arrived today! I like them and the company shipped them quickly. So I plan to set up shop to sell prints. I first need to order some packages (or find some at Walmart maybe) to ship them in. Once I have that all figured out I'll create the listings and put them up for sale on my Storenvy. In honor of my store opening I'll be doing a give away with these two. I'll have a post up on my Facebook later about it. And I'm going to do it the old fashion way! ~Write all the names down put em in a hat and draw them that way. They'll be signed, so sorry if that's a problem! >< (I hope not.) That's also what I need help deciding on, do I sign with my actual name or username? I've been leaning towards my username since that's what I guess I go by and watermark everything with (it's just still strange xD ). Either way my signature needs work, it's so bad ~but don't worry I'll practice a lot before I sign any prints... and I mean a LOT. I think I'll be making it so that there'll be two winners. First place and second. So first place will get their choice and have to respond within 24 hours and then I'll notify the second place winner about their print and get all the shipping information and whatnot. Yeah, that sounds good. I plan to do more give aways in the future as well, with prints and whenever I get extra skin codes (I want to try and get quite a few at Summoners Con if they hand any out ~hoping so!), and probably other things. |
Arlena FaeCosplay Tutorials. Hauls & Reviews. Photography. Rambles and Advice. Categories
August 2018
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