2017 has come and gone and I'm going to do a recap of the cosplays I was able to create over the year! There's a lot of little fun facts and snippets of info about the cosplays I've created so keep reading~ ![]() Li Ming from Heroes of the Storm This was my first costume of 2017! I completed her for a convention at the beginning of the year. Overall, I was so happy with how this costume turned out. This was my first time using orbs and the fabric-covered foam technique to create the edging. The sewing wasn't as clean as I'd like it to be due to my sewing machine not enjoying sewing over foam, but from the outside it looks fine! View the gallery here! ![]() Bunny Tracer from Overwatch I found this costume for about $5 on eBay and it perfectly matched the fan art I saw of Overwatch Bunny girls. This was definitely a zero-effort cosplay. I only threw this together because I found the costume for cheap. View the gallery here! ![]() Raven from Teen Titans Raven was a costume I had all the materials for, for the longest time. It just took me forever to get around to making her but I did it! The belt is made from soda can bottoms and filled in with resin gems. I don't really like these gems anymore and have since found a better way to cast them. View the gallery here! ![]() C'thun from Hearthstone I created this armor design myself! I had this costume planned for the longest time but kept it secret. Only my patrons saw the design and knew I was working on it. The C'thun-focused set hadn't been out for too long when I first started working on this, and since I actually played Hearthstone fairly often then, C'thun was my favorite card! Hence the reason I decided to cosplay him. View the gallery here! ![]() Black Canary from DC Comics This cosplay happened mostly because I realized I owned basically everything to create this cosplay! The wig was a gift from my Reddit secret Santa the previous year~ I think it made such a great wig for her! View the gallery here! ![]() Dark Magician Girl from Yugioh Dark Magician Girl was my favorite Yugioh card! She's been a cosplay goal since day 1 and I finally got around to cosplaying her! This costume involved a lot of fabric-covered foam and was my first time having to make such a giant hat! That's actually what kept me putting off this cosplay for a while--I wasn't sure how to tackle it in my earlier cosplay days. View the gallery here! ![]() Bunny Bulma from Dragon Ball This is the reason I had the bodysuit laying around to use for Canary--I originally purchased it to cosplay bunny Bulma. This was another fun, simple cosplay I had wanted to get around to for a while. View the gallery here! ![]() Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew I was OBSESSED with this show when I was little and Ichigo was always my favorite. She's another costume that had been on my list from day 1. She's also the reason I did some gymnastics when I was little--if you watched the show you know the episode. This costume was the first time I used horse-hair braid and I'm thrilled with the results. I love wearing this cosplay because the skirt is so poofy! View the gallery here! ![]() Kanna from Kobayashi's Dragon Maid I began working on this cosplay as soon as I saw the anime. Kanna is just the most adorable character and I just had to cosplay her! I debuted this cosplay at Fanime and loved wearing it so much I wore her for 2 days of the event. View the gallery here! ![]() Star Guardian Jinx from League of Legends I had been wanting to do this cosplay but didn't know when I wanted to get around to it. The opportunity arose when a friend made a post looking for someone to be Jinx for her Star Guardian group at Fanime. Being in a full Star Guardian group was so awesome! While I'm happy with the result and LOVE cosplaying this, I have a love-hate relationship with this cosplay. Since I started late, I just did not have the time to complete it to my liking my first go-around. It was incredibly stressful and I had to paint on the drive to the con-which got me car sick! View the gallery here! ![]() Augmented Sombra from Overwatch This was my bigger project for the first half of the year. So much lighting was involved and this was the first time I really gave wig-styling a go and put a lot of effort into it (which I need to do more). I'm pretty happy with the result! View the gallery here! ![]() Will from W.I.T.C.H. W.I.T.C.H. was another show I was OBSESSED with when I was little and Will was my favorite. I actually bought a huge frog plushie because of her--there was a mini comic from McDonalds that included this photo. I also wanted to dye my hair red (which didn't happen) and got a hair cut to match hers. I found these fabrics when shopping with a friend and they were too perfect. The fabric choice is one of my favorite parts about this cosplay. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Asuka from Neon Genesis This version of Asuka was one of my first cosplays, back before I actually started to really cosplay/cosplay regularly. Since it was done so poorly the first go around and I had no photos, I decided to revisit it! I searched high and low to find a location with tall yellow grass and am so happy with the place I found. This was literally a dream location/shoot come true! View the gallery here! ![]() Yurio from Yuri on Ice I was fairly late to get on board the Yuri on Ice train. But when I did finally get around to watching it I absolutely loved it! I see why it was so popular. Yurio was immediately my favorite character so I just had to cosplay him! Gallery coming soon! ![]() Ziggs from League of Legends This particular fan-art/design of a female Ziggs had been on my "to cosplay list" since day 1. I just think it's so cute! I'm glad I finally got around to it. I'm super proud of this costume because it's fairly travel-friendly and I just love the coloring and how "clean" everything turned out. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Harley Quinn from Sucide Squad This outfit had been on my list since I saw the move. I loved the look of the dress so much--I like shiny things, okay. I had put it off for a while because the sequins, diamond pattern and fact it required draping intimidated me. I finally decided to tackle it, learned some new things and am happy with the outcome. View the gallery here! ![]() NoFlutter's Raven Design I love all of NoFlutter's design. They're, like, all on my "to cosplay" list. Raven was the first one I decided to tackle. I'm so happy with my construction on this! I had to pattern so much from scratch and had to add so much detailing. I actually found adding all the small details a lot of fun and can't wait to tackle more detailed projects in the future. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Veronica Lodge from Riverdale I'm obsessed with Riverdale. Everything about the show is amazing. I especially love the aesthetic. I just had to cosplay a character from the show! And while I love so many characters, I eventually decided to cosplay Veronica--especially because I look most like her and felt I could pull her off better than Betty or Cheryl. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Witch Mercy from Overwatch This was one of my bigger projects for the end of the year and definitely a challenge. Everything had to be travel-friendly and it was my first time making wings like this and using clay to model the broom stick. Her corset is also an odd pattern and was a challenge to pattern/sew. I'm glad I did it though! Gallery coming soon! ![]() Yumi from Code Lyoko Yumi is another one of the cosplays that happened because I realized I owned literally everything to make this cosplay! Code Lyoko was another show I loved watching when I was younger, as well. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Jingle Tracer from Overwatch This was my last semi-big project of the year. I was able to get this together fairly quickly and am so happy I did this cosplay! Blizzard/Overwatch ended up sharing my cosplay which was so cool and had me freaking out for a bit. I also made my first every music video/parody which I never thought I'd do, but this was just the perfect opportunity. View the gallery here! ![]() Numbuh 3 from Code Name: Kids Next Door Numbuh 3 was my last cosplay of the year! This is another cosplay that happened because 1. I loved the show when I was younger and 2. I realized I owned a lot of the pieces to make this cosplay happen. This is definitely not my best prop but hey, it was an excuse to buy a bubble gum machine--which was something I wanted when I was younger. So yay! Bubble gum! Gallery coming soon! And that wraps up my 2017 cosplays! I can't wait to see what I'm able to do in 2018 and what skills I'll improve and new ones I'll learn.
None of these would've been possible without the support I receive on Patreon. I would never be able to complete this many costumes in one year, let alone costumes is large. I try my hardest to make sure my Patreon is worth every penny and provide TONS of various, valuable content. My Patreon isn't just some random donation place where you're money is thrown into the abyss. It's an actual transaction, as silly as it sounds, you're paying me to create content--whether it be photos, tutorials, patterns, etc--for you! All of it goes straight back into creating cosplay and educational content around it~ If you'd like to be apart of my cosplay creations in 2018 become a patron! A dollar a month gets you access to a lot of content and goes a long way! If the idea of a monthly pledge puts you off but you'd still like to contribute, I do have a Ko-Fi where you can make small, one-time donations (the amount a coffee costs) that I'll put towards cosplay. And if you want to make a pledge of something different than the Ko-Fi amount I have "donation" buttons around my site or you can use this link. If you'd rather get a "psychical good" my Storenvy has a ton of patterns, prints and small cosplay accessories to choose from! Don't have the funds to spare? I totally get that! And it's no problem! I don't value your support any less! I appreciate all and any support I receive. It means the world to me that people enjoy my cosplays so much. I love being able to do what I love, share that with others, have others love it to and then help them in creating cosplays of characters they love! Plus there's other super helpful ways to support me with no cost! Every comment and like/interaction with my posts on any or all platforms does a ton! Right now platforms are working against creators and suppressing their content. Your likes and especially comments/shares on posts does a ton to help our content reach others! Most platforms work like this: platforms only show post to a small portion (like 5-10%) of your followers, the more engagement (with comments/shares being the most valuable) a post gets the more followers it'll start to show your post to and on Instagram, the better shot it has at reaching the explore page. See? Just your internet-based support does so much to enable your favorite content creators to keep making content! One of the best way to support your creators is to turn on notifications about posts and actively interact with those posts! Sorry if that sounds "beggy" but in order to grow platforms like Patreon, Storenvy or Ko-Fi (which fund my cosplaying) ya gotta talk about it you know? And I feel it's good to raise awareness to how algorithms work and how anti-creator platforms have become, just in case you want to do more to support the creators you love. I know I love doing what I can to support creators and fellow cosplayers who's content I enjoy. And while I don't have the money to pledge to every Patreon, I do try to actively engage with their content and grab prints from them when I've got the spare funds! I hope to see them grow and that much success comes their way in the new year! Again, thanks so much for all the incredible support I received in 2017 (financial or not). You all make cosplaying so much more worth it! I hope I'm able to provide just as much (or even more) quality and helpful content in the new year and that you all stick around for it! Hope 2018 brings everyone a lot of success and happiness as well! ~Positive Outcomes Only~
1. YouTube ScheduleI have this schedule in my mind that I'd love to be able to stick to. The biggest thing stopping me at the moment is editing software. As most anyone who's worked with Windows Movie Maker knows, it sucks. It crashes constantly. For me it'll crash after splitting clips or scanning through them, after it's been used to much it'll crash my entire sound system when I click to play a clip, it'll delete all clips behind where I split a clip (meaning I have to restart the whole edit), and video files will randomly go corrupt. I'm constantly saving after every little change because I never know when these problems will start, I just know that when they do they won't disappear unless I just don't use it for a week (I usually make it through a video or a video and a half before it starts having issues). So I'm working to get new editing software (all the free ones never work for me ;n; ). Anyways the schedule that I eventually want to create will look a little like this: Makeup Mondays: I'll upload a makeup tutorial or makeup related videos every Monday! Maybe not every Monday but most Mondays--you have to give me time so I don't run out of ideas! Whatever Wednesdays: This'll be the days that I upload random videos. This can be anything from tag videos, Q&As, to cosplay related topics or even skit videos. Anything that wouldn't fall into any of the other days' categories. Fashion Friday: I'll upload outfit of the week videos, closet tags or other fashion tags and anything else related to fashion and clothing. Vlog Sunday: That won't be the title. I'll just call it a weekly vlog. This will be one long vlog (shortened down as best as possible) from the entire week. So it'll be a compilation of any and all vlogging I did throughout the whole week in one video. It'll be posted on Sunday and the vlogs will, obviously, be from that prior week. I only plan to do this if I ever get a more exciting life --something other than just at the computer and running errands all day. Monthly Haul: Of course there'll be a monthly haul every month like usual. I'll probably post these on a Monday in place of a makeup tutorial (this gives me a break from trying to come up with ideas constantly and running out). I hope I can get around to sticking to this schedule. I think I'll start prepping now and start in the new year --let's see how well this goes. 2. Exercise ScheduleI keep meaning to do this. I just want to try and stick to some sort of routine instead of randomly exercising a different times of the day and different days and just falling behind and not exercising for weeks at a time! Wish me luck, it always feels like such a chore until I actually start exercising. 3. Cosplay GoalsI just want to get all my main goals done and completely! I have a bad habit with procrastination so I hope to finish most of my cosplay a month or two before the con I want to wear it too. 4. Licenses & School & WorkI want to finally get around to taking that test and get my license for cosmetology. I also want to figure out my transportation and attend this nearby school for fashion design. With my license I plan to look for free lance work all over California. I'd love to get a chance to work with amazing photographers and models and theaters and get to do some cool projects ~I want to learn and practice more on my theatrical makeup first. I'd also like to get a chance to work with and model for some of the photographers that contacted me. All in all, this means I have to work on socializing, getting out of my comfort zone and deal with my anxiety. 5. Healthier EatingI'd love to start eating healthier. I want to try and cook more meals from scratch and from fresh food instead of T.V. dinners and junk food. So that means less sweets and I need to stop over salting everything I eat. I'd like to learn and try a lot more recipes and healthy ones!
I thought this would be something fun and random to post. I believe these tests are irreverent and unused now a days, but it's still just fun to see all the different perceptions people have. These are from the Rorschach Ink Blotch test (I believe). Number Order: #1 top left, #2 top right, #3 second on left, #4 second on right and so on.
1. Moth/winged demon. 2. Two baby elephants playing. 3. Wolf/fox. 4. I saw two things: a man with a long cloak thing wearing a skull (like a steer/bull--something with a long snout) on his head, or a pig/bat thing. 5. Moth. 6. I don't really see anything--maybe a stingray mixed with some sort of fairy or butterfly, like a whimsical stingray. 7. Two old ladies sitting facing one another -also giving someone who's about to walk by a fist bump. 8. Two mole rats climbing/tunneling. 9. Two things seen: cow, or some sore of dog thing (like Jake the dog or courage the cowardly dog). 10. Aquatic life/ocean reef. I see some pretty strange and normal things. What do you see? :D ~Positive outcomes only! :) Just writing a quick blog post about my experience at Summoners Con. For those of you who don't know, Summoners Con was the first League of Legends only convention! And it was pretty awesome :) ![]() Registration seemed easy enough, but I honestly can't comment too much on that. I was one of the first in line and got my badges early. ![]() The convention center itself was fairly small. Which was expected though! It was a first time convention so I expected it to be similar to other small cons I've been too (like Sac Anime a few years ago or Da Ani Kami Kon). To sum up the layout. There were I believe like 3 main large areas. A room with some booths and computers set up, the main room where most of the panels took place, and the summoners cafe. In the hallway-ish area there were other merch booths and what looked like an autograph area, registration was around the corner there too. I will say it was a bad idea for them to put merch in the hall and next to the exit/entrances, but they were working with a smaller area for A LOT of people. The had a cool nexus set up -I took a photo^. The lighting at the event was really cool too. ![]() <Poro from a merch booth. They had some good merch booths in my opinion. (I think almost everyone bought a poro xD). So as for people. There were a lot of people! If you didn't know, they did sell out of tickets and I'm pretty sure everyone showed up. But it was fun! People were really friendly and talkative. I got the chance to meet and befriend some new and awesome cosplayers! -There were soo many amazing cosplayers there and photographers. ![]() This was a photo taken from the Creating Original League Content panel. Here people were asking popular League/Youtube personalities questions and they were answering them -so q&a. ![]() I didn't grab a picture because I participated in it but they did host a cosplay masquerade. Super casual. Everyone walked on stage and posed for a few seconds to let people take photos then walked off. At the end you got some small prize for participating. It was fun. ![]() They also had musicians preform. So in this photo is Lunity. I also saw The Yordles for the first time -super good- but didn't get a photo. ![]() Nicki Taylor preforming. Apparently they did sound checks and practiced only shortly before hand. So when she was covering the song Warriors she forgot the second verse. It was really fun how they handled it though. Super casual and no one mind. She was "extending the convention" (since she was the last set of the night). They just restarted and she got the lyrics on her phone. It was still a really great set. I actually liked the whole feel of the convention. It was casual and friendly. It didn't feel like there was some strict divide between the con goers and the guests like you can get at other cons. I'll note they did end up getting off schedule and having to switch some things around for various reasons but it didn't get off by too much. Once again, first time con -didn't expect everything to run perfectly and didn't mind whenever it didn't. ![]() I got the chance to meet and take photos with quite a few people too! Doublelift > A lot of guests would just hang around the convention and talk to their fans until they had to be somewhere. Here's something. When going to take a photo with Doublelift no one had noticed him yet so there was just me and a few people.. But then Sky (Williams) saw him and shouted out to everyone "Look there's Doublelift." It was great xD Still got a picture with him before there was too much of a crowd! ![]() Got one with Sky Williams too! :D ![]() We ran into Sp4zie when heading to the con. He was all over the place. He hosted the panels and such. ![]() My friend Courtney (Arcade MF) really wanted a picture with The Yordles after hearing them play their set. So at the after party we ran into them and got the chance to. They're super nice and it was great talking to them, they gave us free The Yordles bracelets. ![]() I even got the chance to meet Missyeru! She was dressed as Jayce too! She was also super sweet and it was great getting a chance to talk to her. ![]() I also met Riot Jynx! She was so nice and wanted to grab a photo with me as well :3 Met Vensy too! She was the Lulu! They're cosplays are so perfect! ![]() Towards the end of the night I ran into Lily Pichu. Her Annie is so cute! ^^ And she's so cute and shy and sweet. ![]() This was me and Courtney in our cosplays. We got some photos in the lobby (on a nice camera) and even got to do a small shoot with some other photographers. Can't wait to see the photos. ![]() Met and befriended some cosplayers as I mentioned earlier. :) This was one of them. Her poro cosplay is too cute! ![]() Courtney's friend cosplayed Twitch. It was so well done. ![]() We got a chance to go to the after party. That was fun. Met some more people there too! It eventually moved from this room to somewhat in the lobby -I think so people could have conversations. xD ![]() Courtney, Andrea and me! I love these girls. It was so great getting to hang out with Courtney again and meeting Andrea. Can't wait for next years con. Love having cosplay buddies! :D Oh! P.S. The hotel it was hosted at was super nice. Also, heels are a bad idea. My feet killed me! xD My boyfriend took his computer to get looked at here today. The guy was super nice and helpful.
They charged I believe it was $40 to look at and $60 if they have to open it up (the price lowers if you get it repaired at the same time or something like that I believe). My boyfriend only had $25 in his bank account though at the moment (because we're broke college students ;-; and the only income he has is a lawn mowing job ~but doesn't pay a whole lot). The guy was super nice and like here let me see it before we left and even opened it up and stuff to look at (had to take out the keyboard to fix the problem~). So when we asked what we owed him he was like nah you're good, gave us business cards and said just share us with your friends. So that's what I'm doing! xD Disclaimer: obviously I can't promise the same will happen for you, nor do I feel that you should attempt to. They need to make money and a living too. So if you do need your computer fixed though and you're in the area I feel it's a good place to go to! I like supporting smaller & local businesses as well, especially ones with super nice employees. Yeah it's a bit expensive to get it looked at but at least they know what they're doing and can get the job done right (~my boyfriend's parents had gone there in the past to get stuff fixed so that's why we were referred to it). The guy also reminded me of Tony Stark, xD. ~Positive outcomes only! |
Arlena FaeCosplay Tutorials. Hauls & Reviews. Photography. Rambles and Advice. Categories
August 2018
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