A question I've often been asked and seen tossed around on the internet is why some cosplayers choose to take their own photos and the pros and cons of it. So I decided to go over the why's and in a follow-up post I'll cover the pros and cons. Costs![]() Money is, of course, going to be a factor. Photoshoots can be costly depending on the photographer you work with. But it may not always be the most expensive route. Taking your own photos only really cuts costs if you already have your own equipment. Nice cameras cost money and if you want to keep improving your photos, it means continuously upgrading your equipment (better lens, lighting, editing software, etc). These expenses may not be worth the investment for everyone. I already owned a DSLR and found upgrading my camera (as well as my set up) to be worth it in the long run. I make a lot of cosplays, which means I need to do a lot of shoots and that would add up and get pricey quickly! However, don't fret if camera equipment and shoot costs aren't in your budget. There's cheap ways to shoot cosplays yourself using just a phone and plenty of photographers who'll shoot for free (whether it's because they're looking to build their portfolio or they're just super nice like that--not to say photographer who charge aren't nice, people got to pay bills and eat). Finding a Photographer![]() Now finding a photographer to work with can be tricky. There's so many things to factor into it! Do you like their style? Where are they located? Do they have a studio or will you have to find a location to shoot? When are they available and how often? Etc... I come from a small town, so there wasn't many options as far as cosplay photography was concerned. And I'm a bit restricted when it comes to travel so booking with someone a bit further out wasn't an option. I had to use what I had--which was myself or shoot with the help of friends. I also have a particular editing style I prefer and didn't know of any local photographers with a similar style. ComfortComfort is a big thing that made me decide to primarily shoot my own cosplays. Now this isn't me saying anything negative about photographers and any I've worked with. It honestly has nothing to do with them! I'm an incredibly shy person and get very anxious around people I don't know well. So, for example, when shooting with photographers at conventions I never do my best (posing, facial expressions, etc). I go all awkward and shy and hold back so the photos don't turn out as good as they could've. Well, me in the photos. The photos themselves (the lighting, composite, angle, etc) all look great. I just don't look very expressive or my pose is like 30% rather than 100. I'm also very quiet about when I don't like how I look in a photo (since I often don't like how I look in a photo). I'll usually say I like a photo even when I don't like how I look in it. Most photographers are more than happy to retake a shot though (so don't let my issues deter you)! When I shoot my own photos, I end up with hundreds from one shoot! I'll usually get a dozen shots of the same pose because I know out of the 15 I've taken I'll only like maybe 2 or 3. I, personally, just feel awkward asking for some many retakes. I feel the same way about giving directions or asking for a specific shot/angle. This is why I find it easiest and less stressful to work solo or asking a friend I'm comfortable with to help, rather than booking a shoot. Creative Control![]() So back tracking a bit here, another reason why I shoot my own photos is so I have full creative control over them. Every photographer has a different style and different editing style! It may be hard to find one with a style you like best. I have a very specific way I like my photos to be edited. That isn't to say I don't enjoy working with other photographers or dislike their styles. I love seeing the variety of photos I get from shooting with others, I just also enjoy having a set of photos I can edit however I please. For example, I prefer editing styles with the super smoothed/retouched skin (I like the "plastic"/magazine look, personally) and often have to edit my eye color since I don't wear contacts. Not all photographers edit their photos this way (and that's okay), so it's nice to have some say in the edits that are done. I should mention, there are plenty of photographers who allow their photos to be edited by the cosplayer or someone the cosplayer may hire, so it's not impossible to find someone who'll allow the photos be edited in a way you prefer. It's just easier for me to have all the rights from the start by self shooting, rather than searching for a photographer who edits similar to me or will allow edits. Photo & Print Rights![]() Photo rights in general (not just the right to edit) is one of the biggest reasons I prefer to self shoot. When you shoot with a photographer, the photographer owns all the rights to those photos unless you sign a contract otherwise. Now most photographers don't mind if you share those photos on your social media, website, etc.. It was probably what you both assumed they would be used for from the start. When money comes into play is where it gets tricky though. I sell prints both online and at conventions. I also distribute cosplay photos to patrons on Patreon first (they get a first look at cosplay shoots I do). If I were to shoot with a photographer, I wouldn't have the rights to do this--I'd have to ask first and work out some sort of contract. I'm not sure what sort of fees photographers may charge for posting to a paid tier on Patreon, but I do know that a lot of the times print rights come with some sort of fee (it can be anything from a flat rate to a percentage of each sale). My prints don't sell a ton to start with so anyone who charges a flat rate fee is out of the question and I already don't make much of a profit off of prints, so losing another percentage of the sale isn't too appealing. Now this may be worth it if your prints sell better and if the photo is one you really love and think will sell well. But for me, it's just not the best investment. Again, I should mention there are some photographers that don't charge anything extra or will give away print rights for free. I simply prefer to have control over a set of photos for each costume, without having to deal with any sort of contracts or legal things, so that I have options to create and sell prints and can post early access content to my Patreon. Photo/Content Demand![]() Now this is another big reason why I choose to self-shoot. I have a Patreon where I try to make a new costume each month (sometimes it'll be every other months and other times I may have several in one month). This means I need to do a lot of shoots and I need photos quickly. That's a lot of content to demand from a photographer--especially if you only find a handful or less in your area to work with. I feel like I'd basically be looking for someone to be my own personal photographer and editor (and I can't afford that). So it's a lot easier for me to self-shoot. I know when I need content and can take a few hours out of my day to edit some photos and post those whenever I need them. This also means, if I fall behind on content, I have no one to blame but myself and can usually easily fix that or adjust my schedule to make up for it. I won't be relying on someone else to get new content to me and needing them to do so quickly. So these are the reasons I decide to take my own cosplay photos! While I'm always more than happy and willing to work with other photographers, especially at conventions, I'll always do my own self-shoot of each costume. It's a way I can easily create the amount of content I need and maintain control over the photos without any contracts or legal hassle.
If you were wondering as to why some cosplayers choose to self shoot, I hope this gave you a bit of insight! ~Positive Outcomes Only~
I;m back with another shopping guide and this one is going to cover Harley Quinn's club dress outfit from the Suicide Squad movie. This one had a lot of pieces, and while not everything is an exact copy, hopefully you'll find some items you needed! ![]() Gold Sequins I usually won't list fabrics since it's something that's better to find at your local fabric stores, but I've found sequins can be tricky to find. If you can't find fabric near you, try buying a photography backdrop! There's sequin ones in both gold and black! Listing #1 Listing #2 Fabric Store ![]() Black Sequins Sequins backdrop aren't always the cheapest option but you may be able to find used listings or bid ones, I've linked a few of the cheaper listings I was able to find. You won't need much, so picking it up from an online fabric store (also linked) may be a better option. Go with whatever works best for you! Listing #1 Fabric Store ![]() Fake Tattoos These tattoos are the best ones I've found! They look pretty realistic (I had many people ask if they were real) and they stay on really well! They actually take a bit of effort to remove xD I've had them stay on for several days without them getting too faded or chipping! Here's the listing I used! Just the arm band. The other tattoos (no arm). ![]() Earrings They've actually made official replica earrings that Harley wears in the movie (club dress scene). They were originally sold at Hot Topic but you can easily find them on eBay! Here's a few listings I've found. Listing #1 Listing #2 ![]() Rings Now I won't be able to find the exact rings I used (listings are way old/gone), or the exact ones from the movie. I just know she has a lot! Mostly gold and a couple with some bigger stones on them. Here's a few listings I found that would be good for mix and matching until you got a combination that looked good. Midi Ring Set #1 Midi Ring Set #2 Midi Ring Set #3 "Diamond" Rings "Diamond" Band ![]() Watches She also wears 3 gold watches around her upper arm. I can't find the exact ones, but I managed to find some close or that should look fine! One of the watches she wears is checkered black and gold. To recreate that I found a watch with a band similar to the photo (listing #1) and colored in some of the squared with black sharpie to create a semi-checkered pattern. Listing #1 Listing #2 Listing #3 Here's a listing I used! ![]() Bracelets She wears a few different bracelets, and it's hard to find exact copy cats. Some of the listings I used aren't around anymore but I managed to find a couple! I've also included similar designs to bracelets I wore--but they're not quite the same. Here's a listing I used! Listing #1 Listing #2 Listing #3 ![]() Necklaces They actually set replicas of the necklaces she wears in this scene! Here's a couple listings I've found! Listing #1 Listing #2 Lisiting #3 (Necklace & Earrings Set) ![]() Arm Cuff I was actually able to find an arm cuff that looks exactly (or almost exactly) like what she wears in the movie! Here's the listing I used! ![]() Shoes Here's the shoes I used for this cosplay! I choose the black option and added the gold coloring to the straps (to match reference photos) with gold acrylic and fabric paint. Here's the listing I used! ![]() Gun Prop They sell her gun prop online! It's not too expensive (although it's gone up since I purchased mine). You could easily make one from a fake toy gun (if you can find a similar based-one). But if you want to skip that step, here's a few listings I found. Listing #1 Listing #2 ![]() Wig I used a plain blonde wig and dyed it myself (there's a video on how I did it). I've linked a few blonde wig options--no matter what you go with you'll need to style, trim and dye it, so whatever buy from wherever you prefer! I've also linked a couple listings for a pre-"ombred" Harley wig. I don't think they look as nice and a hand-dyed one but this is a decent option for anyone not comfortable dying their own! Blonde #1 Blonde #2 Harley Wig #1 Harley Wig #2 And that's it for this shopping guide! I have multiple videos up on how I dyed and styled the wig and how I created the dress and accessories! Good luck on your cosplay!
~Positive Outcomes Only~ I get a lot of questions on where I buy certain pieces for my cosplays. "Where did you buy your wig", "Where did you find the shoes", "Do you have a link for it?". So I've decided to start compiling lists and putting together a little shopping guide to help you find the right items when creating your own cosplay! Just a quick note: I buy a lot of items of Amazon and eBay and sometimes those listings may expire. So I apologize if a listing no longer exists but both eBay and Amazon are pretty good at suggesting new listings of the exact same item! So check out whatever the recommended newer listings may be. Just pay attention to seller and item ratings and reviews! ![]() Brigitte's Wig You'll need a red lace front wig. The wig will absolutely need to be a lace front. They're more expensive but it's the only way you'll be able to customize her unique hairline! I found one for $30 on eBay! It's super thick (honestly it was almost too thick)! The perfect length (I chose the 20" option) and is a lace front! It can be styled with heat tools on a low setting like a majority of wigs and has little fall out. Here's the listing I used! ![]() Red Overall's It was actually pretty tricky to find red, women's overalls! I don't know why it was so difficult but I eventually found one on eBay! They're most expensive than I would've liked but they were the most accurate ones I could find. Here's the listing I used! ![]() Brigitte's Shirt I went to Redbubble to find her shirt. I knew that'd be the best place to find it. Unfortunately, the shirt with my favorite design, was way expensive when choosing the female v-neck fit. So I bought this unisex, crew-neck tee instead. It was $10 cheap and all I had to do was take in the waist a little and cut/hem the neckline. I choose the dark grey coloring. Here's the listing I used! ![]() Brigitte's Gloves I already owned black gloves and silver fabric to created her gloves. I can't link you to fabric--I suggest checking your local fabric stores. Silver stretch fabric is fairly common in most fabric stores. For the black gloves though, I've linked a listing for cheap, long gloves! All you'd have to do is cut off the fingers and make them shorter (or to the length you like). Here's the listing I recommend. ![]() Brigitte's Tattoo I painted mine on using acrylic paint but this can be extremely difficult and messy (especially if you do it by yourself). I recommend finding a listing for a fake tattoo instead! There's lots of companies out there that do cu5stom fake tattoos but I always go to Etsy for things like this. I've linked a few different listings that look pretty good! Recommended listing #1 Recommended listing #2 Recommended Listing #3 ![]() Brigitte's Side Bag I bought a hip/waist bag a few years back, so the exact listing I used isn't up any longer. But I found a similar one. These are quite expensive though and her's isn't anything fancy. You could easily get the look with just a normal, black fanny pack. I've linked a listing to the exact one I used, a mid-range priced one and a couple cheaper options. The one I used Mid-Range priced option Cheaper option #1 Cheaper Option #2 Everything else for this cosplay I already owned or made specifically for this cosplay. I used a pair of grey boots I've had for several years now and made the small details to add onto her fanny pack, overalls, etc.
I hope this shopping guide has helped you find some of the items you may be searching for! ~Positive Outcomes Only~ 2017 has come and gone and I'm going to do a recap of the cosplays I was able to create over the year! There's a lot of little fun facts and snippets of info about the cosplays I've created so keep reading~ ![]() Li Ming from Heroes of the Storm This was my first costume of 2017! I completed her for a convention at the beginning of the year. Overall, I was so happy with how this costume turned out. This was my first time using orbs and the fabric-covered foam technique to create the edging. The sewing wasn't as clean as I'd like it to be due to my sewing machine not enjoying sewing over foam, but from the outside it looks fine! View the gallery here! ![]() Bunny Tracer from Overwatch I found this costume for about $5 on eBay and it perfectly matched the fan art I saw of Overwatch Bunny girls. This was definitely a zero-effort cosplay. I only threw this together because I found the costume for cheap. View the gallery here! ![]() Raven from Teen Titans Raven was a costume I had all the materials for, for the longest time. It just took me forever to get around to making her but I did it! The belt is made from soda can bottoms and filled in with resin gems. I don't really like these gems anymore and have since found a better way to cast them. View the gallery here! ![]() C'thun from Hearthstone I created this armor design myself! I had this costume planned for the longest time but kept it secret. Only my patrons saw the design and knew I was working on it. The C'thun-focused set hadn't been out for too long when I first started working on this, and since I actually played Hearthstone fairly often then, C'thun was my favorite card! Hence the reason I decided to cosplay him. View the gallery here! ![]() Black Canary from DC Comics This cosplay happened mostly because I realized I owned basically everything to create this cosplay! The wig was a gift from my Reddit secret Santa the previous year~ I think it made such a great wig for her! View the gallery here! ![]() Dark Magician Girl from Yugioh Dark Magician Girl was my favorite Yugioh card! She's been a cosplay goal since day 1 and I finally got around to cosplaying her! This costume involved a lot of fabric-covered foam and was my first time having to make such a giant hat! That's actually what kept me putting off this cosplay for a while--I wasn't sure how to tackle it in my earlier cosplay days. View the gallery here! ![]() Bunny Bulma from Dragon Ball This is the reason I had the bodysuit laying around to use for Canary--I originally purchased it to cosplay bunny Bulma. This was another fun, simple cosplay I had wanted to get around to for a while. View the gallery here! ![]() Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew I was OBSESSED with this show when I was little and Ichigo was always my favorite. She's another costume that had been on my list from day 1. She's also the reason I did some gymnastics when I was little--if you watched the show you know the episode. This costume was the first time I used horse-hair braid and I'm thrilled with the results. I love wearing this cosplay because the skirt is so poofy! View the gallery here! ![]() Kanna from Kobayashi's Dragon Maid I began working on this cosplay as soon as I saw the anime. Kanna is just the most adorable character and I just had to cosplay her! I debuted this cosplay at Fanime and loved wearing it so much I wore her for 2 days of the event. View the gallery here! ![]() Star Guardian Jinx from League of Legends I had been wanting to do this cosplay but didn't know when I wanted to get around to it. The opportunity arose when a friend made a post looking for someone to be Jinx for her Star Guardian group at Fanime. Being in a full Star Guardian group was so awesome! While I'm happy with the result and LOVE cosplaying this, I have a love-hate relationship with this cosplay. Since I started late, I just did not have the time to complete it to my liking my first go-around. It was incredibly stressful and I had to paint on the drive to the con-which got me car sick! View the gallery here! ![]() Augmented Sombra from Overwatch This was my bigger project for the first half of the year. So much lighting was involved and this was the first time I really gave wig-styling a go and put a lot of effort into it (which I need to do more). I'm pretty happy with the result! View the gallery here! ![]() Will from W.I.T.C.H. W.I.T.C.H. was another show I was OBSESSED with when I was little and Will was my favorite. I actually bought a huge frog plushie because of her--there was a mini comic from McDonalds that included this photo. I also wanted to dye my hair red (which didn't happen) and got a hair cut to match hers. I found these fabrics when shopping with a friend and they were too perfect. The fabric choice is one of my favorite parts about this cosplay. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Asuka from Neon Genesis This version of Asuka was one of my first cosplays, back before I actually started to really cosplay/cosplay regularly. Since it was done so poorly the first go around and I had no photos, I decided to revisit it! I searched high and low to find a location with tall yellow grass and am so happy with the place I found. This was literally a dream location/shoot come true! View the gallery here! ![]() Yurio from Yuri on Ice I was fairly late to get on board the Yuri on Ice train. But when I did finally get around to watching it I absolutely loved it! I see why it was so popular. Yurio was immediately my favorite character so I just had to cosplay him! Gallery coming soon! ![]() Ziggs from League of Legends This particular fan-art/design of a female Ziggs had been on my "to cosplay list" since day 1. I just think it's so cute! I'm glad I finally got around to it. I'm super proud of this costume because it's fairly travel-friendly and I just love the coloring and how "clean" everything turned out. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Harley Quinn from Sucide Squad This outfit had been on my list since I saw the move. I loved the look of the dress so much--I like shiny things, okay. I had put it off for a while because the sequins, diamond pattern and fact it required draping intimidated me. I finally decided to tackle it, learned some new things and am happy with the outcome. View the gallery here! ![]() NoFlutter's Raven Design I love all of NoFlutter's design. They're, like, all on my "to cosplay" list. Raven was the first one I decided to tackle. I'm so happy with my construction on this! I had to pattern so much from scratch and had to add so much detailing. I actually found adding all the small details a lot of fun and can't wait to tackle more detailed projects in the future. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Veronica Lodge from Riverdale I'm obsessed with Riverdale. Everything about the show is amazing. I especially love the aesthetic. I just had to cosplay a character from the show! And while I love so many characters, I eventually decided to cosplay Veronica--especially because I look most like her and felt I could pull her off better than Betty or Cheryl. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Witch Mercy from Overwatch This was one of my bigger projects for the end of the year and definitely a challenge. Everything had to be travel-friendly and it was my first time making wings like this and using clay to model the broom stick. Her corset is also an odd pattern and was a challenge to pattern/sew. I'm glad I did it though! Gallery coming soon! ![]() Yumi from Code Lyoko Yumi is another one of the cosplays that happened because I realized I owned literally everything to make this cosplay! Code Lyoko was another show I loved watching when I was younger, as well. Gallery coming soon! ![]() Jingle Tracer from Overwatch This was my last semi-big project of the year. I was able to get this together fairly quickly and am so happy I did this cosplay! Blizzard/Overwatch ended up sharing my cosplay which was so cool and had me freaking out for a bit. I also made my first every music video/parody which I never thought I'd do, but this was just the perfect opportunity. View the gallery here! ![]() Numbuh 3 from Code Name: Kids Next Door Numbuh 3 was my last cosplay of the year! This is another cosplay that happened because 1. I loved the show when I was younger and 2. I realized I owned a lot of the pieces to make this cosplay happen. This is definitely not my best prop but hey, it was an excuse to buy a bubble gum machine--which was something I wanted when I was younger. So yay! Bubble gum! Gallery coming soon! And that wraps up my 2017 cosplays! I can't wait to see what I'm able to do in 2018 and what skills I'll improve and new ones I'll learn.
None of these would've been possible without the support I receive on Patreon. I would never be able to complete this many costumes in one year, let alone costumes is large. I try my hardest to make sure my Patreon is worth every penny and provide TONS of various, valuable content. My Patreon isn't just some random donation place where you're money is thrown into the abyss. It's an actual transaction, as silly as it sounds, you're paying me to create content--whether it be photos, tutorials, patterns, etc--for you! All of it goes straight back into creating cosplay and educational content around it~ If you'd like to be apart of my cosplay creations in 2018 become a patron! A dollar a month gets you access to a lot of content and goes a long way! If the idea of a monthly pledge puts you off but you'd still like to contribute, I do have a Ko-Fi where you can make small, one-time donations (the amount a coffee costs) that I'll put towards cosplay. And if you want to make a pledge of something different than the Ko-Fi amount I have "donation" buttons around my site or you can use this link. If you'd rather get a "psychical good" my Storenvy has a ton of patterns, prints and small cosplay accessories to choose from! Don't have the funds to spare? I totally get that! And it's no problem! I don't value your support any less! I appreciate all and any support I receive. It means the world to me that people enjoy my cosplays so much. I love being able to do what I love, share that with others, have others love it to and then help them in creating cosplays of characters they love! Plus there's other super helpful ways to support me with no cost! Every comment and like/interaction with my posts on any or all platforms does a ton! Right now platforms are working against creators and suppressing their content. Your likes and especially comments/shares on posts does a ton to help our content reach others! Most platforms work like this: platforms only show post to a small portion (like 5-10%) of your followers, the more engagement (with comments/shares being the most valuable) a post gets the more followers it'll start to show your post to and on Instagram, the better shot it has at reaching the explore page. See? Just your internet-based support does so much to enable your favorite content creators to keep making content! One of the best way to support your creators is to turn on notifications about posts and actively interact with those posts! Sorry if that sounds "beggy" but in order to grow platforms like Patreon, Storenvy or Ko-Fi (which fund my cosplaying) ya gotta talk about it you know? And I feel it's good to raise awareness to how algorithms work and how anti-creator platforms have become, just in case you want to do more to support the creators you love. I know I love doing what I can to support creators and fellow cosplayers who's content I enjoy. And while I don't have the money to pledge to every Patreon, I do try to actively engage with their content and grab prints from them when I've got the spare funds! I hope to see them grow and that much success comes their way in the new year! Again, thanks so much for all the incredible support I received in 2017 (financial or not). You all make cosplaying so much more worth it! I hope I'm able to provide just as much (or even more) quality and helpful content in the new year and that you all stick around for it! Hope 2018 brings everyone a lot of success and happiness as well! ~Positive Outcomes Only~ I'm so tired of how there seems to be this mindset of "I'm a fan, therefore the creator/celeb/etc I'm a fan of OWES me." It's insane how people feel like they're entitled to photos when they've stalked the public figure to get it, to know every little private and personal detail (who they're dating for example), to receive kind replies to creepy comments all because "I'm a fan. Without me they'd be nothing. They OWE me more." And without them you'd be bored out of your mind soooo... >.>
Just no. A creator/celeb/etc produced content you consumed (whether or not you enjoyed it doesn't really matter, you choose to consume it). They created something, you consumed it, they got the views/money/positive ratings/whatever they wanted as "payment" for it and you got your entertainment/product/etc. That's it. That's all. The transaction was finished with that. They don't owe you every second of their life or a positive reaction when you're acting possessive, obsessed and creepy. You don't go to a grocery store, buy a banana and then say "LOOK! I supported your store now give me all you oranges!" And comments where you're using a person's Instagram/FB page like it's tinder is creepy af. When you stalk someone and wait outside their hotel, demanding a photo, is creepy af (triple creepy when it's a child and you're a grown adult). When you take photos of someone from far away, while they're eating too, like a stalker, is creepy af. You don't get to be upset when they don't respond the way you want. You are NOT the victim here. You are the predator. And saying "it's the internet" or "that's what you get for going into their line of work so get used to it" is NOT okay. People should learn to behave themselves and the people who can't should be treated like exactly what they are: a sex offender, a stalker, an abuser, a predator , not some "internet troll" or overzealous "fan" who's harassment gets laughed off or excused because it's online or "apart of the job". Their job is to act, sing, product content, etc... things THEY choose to product. Not what YOU choose. That's it. If they decide to share more it is a choice that should be up to them, with no pressure. Their job is not to keep you entertained in their personal time or respond positively to your inappropriate comments or behavior. I don't care what kind of content they produce, whether it's family friendly or lewd af, they do not owe YOU any sort of reaction or more of their time. You. Are. Not. Entitled. To. Another. Living. Being. No matter how much time, money or "support" you give them. And when it comes to many internet creators (youtubers, cosplayers, instagram peeps) who often have things like Patreon or donation platforms set up: Donating does not mean they OWE you more. Supporting them, donating, is a CHOICE you decide to do because you like the content they produce and don't mind spending a bit on it. If that isn't enough for you then DO NOT DONATE. If you are going into it with the mindset of "If I donate, they'll owe me their time, a conversation, flirty responses to my come-ons, their phone number, personal info, etc etc" you are, frankly and bluntly put, a delusional loser. You are a predator and you are looking at an individual like they're an object you can possess, buy or own. You and your mindset/reason for donating is sickening and disturbing and you are not a real "fan". Being a "fan" of someone does not give you the excuse to stop behaving like a normal human and start acting like an obsessed, possessive, perverted psychopath. Dont. Be. A. Creep. These people are human, living beings, not objects, and deserve to be treated with the same respect that you'd show any other person you interact with on the daily. And if you're just someone that has zero respect for anyone and has no boundaries, then please, just go fall off the face of the earth (OR learn some manners and basic social skills). There's enough assholes in the world already. Don't be another one. Incidents I'm referencing: The photo incident with Finn Wolfhard (who's a child, mind you). Another photo incident with Lili Reinhart. And pretty much every social media person's/content creator's/celeb's comment section .-. and just a lot of what celebrities/public figures deal with on a daily irl~ ~Positive Outcomes Only~ So you're going to a convention? That's great! Conventions are a lot of fun and a great place to meet new people who love the same things you do. There's a lot of things that can go into preparing for a convention, that you may not be aware. Here's some of my tips to help relieve that "am I forgetting anything" feeling! ![]() First things first, my number one tip is: if you are cosplaying and you have to travel, purchased a hard-shell suitcase. Fabric ones and other non-sturdy suitcases can risk any fragile costume pieces getting damage during transport. While on that topic, it's probably good to mention, that you should plan your cosplay line-up accordingly. If you have to travel a long distance and use public transportation, you need to take this into consideration. Some cosplays (such as huge armor sets and large props) may simply not be transportable via suitcase. There's always the option of having it shipped to your hotel (if they allow that) or choosing a different route cosplay wise. Number two! Make sure to give yourself enough time to build a cosplay! Don't start a complicated project only a week or two before the convention. Be realistic and use your time wisely. You don't want to end up having to pull countless all-nighters days before the convention just to finish a cosplay. Even if you don't finish a cosplay in time, don't fret! Just save it for the next one and enjoy your time at the convention (in or out of cosplay). ![]() To jump back to the topic of suitcases and packing, have you ever got that "I'm totally forgetting something" feeling? Me too. And I've totally forgotten so many things! I've figured out a way to help me avoid that after all those times. Make a list! And don't just make it the night before, make it days before. That gives you time to go over the list each day and really make sure you've noted everything you need. Sometimes you just happen to forget something or not think about it in the moment your initially writing your list. Don't forget the essentials either! I know most of us (cosplayers at least) are trying to remember not to forget our wigs, wig caps, costume pieces, etc and can get caught up in doing so. But you need to remember your basic necessities as well! What are you going to wear when you're not in cosplay? Got your tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, razor? Number four! Make sure to have your batteries charged! You want to have your phone, iPod, game system, camera, etc at full battery when you leave. It's simply more convenient and phones just come in handy when trying to find your way around or needing your ticket information. ![]() That leads me into my next tip! Have all your tickets printed out. Or confirmation email or bar-code. Usually the convention's FAQ section will clarify what you need to present when picking up your ticket. It's good to have those documents ready to go in multiple medias. It'd suck to have you phone die by the time you reach the front of the line and it's annoying for everyone else if they have to wait for you to pull up your email. What about planning your days? Most conventions will list all their various activities (panels, signings, cosplay gatherings) on the website weeks prior to the actual conventions. This can help with planning out your days and cosplay line-up. Remember to note line times. Larger conventions have longer lines and people sometimes line up hours before the panel/signing. If it helps, writing it down in some sort of easy-to-carry planner can be useful while at the convention. Speaking of gatherings, attend them! It's a fantastic way to meet fellow cosplayers, photographers, and con-goers interested in the same things as you. I've made so many friends just by hanging out at gatherings and chatting with people. It's also fun to see all the cosplays from the same fandom as yours. ![]() Here's a couple other cosplay-relate tips to take note of when prepping for a convention. If you're a cosplayer or photographer, get business cards! This will help cosplayers find the photos of them after the convention and help photographers in tagging the cosplayers when posting photos. They're also a great way to exchange information quickly and easily when you meet someone you want to catch up more with later! If you have the time and budget, try to buy or make different bags that match the costume of the character you're cosplaying! At the very least, try to incorporate pockets into your cosplays. They will be desperately needed! You want to have a place to safely store your belongings (such as your wallet and phone). Something that's always said, multiple times, but is never a bad thing to note: shower! Please shower before you hit that convention floor and maintain good hygiene while there! Conventions can be crowded and no one wants to be at an event where everyone smells bad. Be considerate of those who are around you. ![]() Avoid convention food! Not saying it's bad, in fact it can be pretty good or unique. This tip is mostly for those who are on a budget. Convention food is typically hiked up in price (and to the max). If you're trying to keep your spending on the lower end, eat else where. It's a good idea to travel a few blocks away from the convention before looking for food, hit up fast food joints or buy food from places like Target or Walmart that you can eat "cold" or heat up in your hotel's microwave. Wait till the last day to buy! Unless you see something selling fast, it's a good idea to wait till the last day or day before last to really look into buying some goodies. Booths will typically lower their prices or have sales on items on the last day. They want to leave with as little items as possible! At some booths, you can even haggle down prices. ![]() My final tip (for now) would be to secure room, travel and tickets as early as possible! Tickets are usually cheaper the further away the convention date is. As the convention draws near, they usually go up in price. Try to grab them early when they're not as expensive. While on the topic of tickets, a lot of conventions will connect with and sell tickets through Eventbrite. Their tools make it easy to find and plan conventions in your area! It's good to book your travel and hotel early. Make sure you have the funds to cover the place yourself or you're 100% certain no one you're rooming with will back out on you. It'll suck to have to pay those early cancellation fees. It's a good idea to have clear guidelines when booking rooms with others about things like this (such as splitting the fee or when it becomes too late to back out without paying one's share). Travel is also cheaper to book early (depending on the mode of transportation). Thanks for reading. I hope some of these tips will come in handing for your next (or first) convention! I'll probably be back with another post like this in the future, as I think up or come across more helpful tips!
~Positive Outcomes Only~ Since there's a few packs the Sims have announced recently (the fan voted one, Cats & Dogs and Toddlers Stuff) I've been thinking about what other packs I would love for them to create! ... Let's be honest, I'm always thinking about what more I would love to be included in the sims. Anyways, I decided to share some of these ideas with you! Note: Not all these ideas are my own. Some of them are just packs we've had for previous games, others are some I've seen suggested in forums and comments and some I've thought up but am 100% sure there's a million people who've suggested the same thing. ![]() This first pack is one I dream of. I would die happy if this pack every became a reality. It's a fair/carnival/amusement park themed pack. Let's break it down. I'm leaning more towards a fair/carnival rather than full blown amusement park. I feel an amusement park would be a bit more complicated and potentially limit it to a pre-made lot (similar to how the hospital or police station work), where as I'd rather be able to build my own fair. I think a fair/carnival would be much more fitting since I've seen fair's set up in some pretty small places (literally--one fair sets up in a parking lot that's 2 parking rows + a "road" wide and maybe half a block long). I'd be great if there was a "variety" of rides included. Simpler ones like a Ferris wheel (even if it's a child-sized one), ones that swing back and forth (like the fire ball or pirate ship), a loop "roller coaster" (they have coasters at fair that are just loops), a carousel, maybe a small bumper car set up, tea cups would be perfect and a kid coaster (those tiny ones that go in an oval/circle and have a couple ups and downs). A zipper, those drop rides, maybe those swing rides and a fun house or haunted house would be cool too. Obviously it is a lot of rides and I wouldn't expect every one but it'd be amazing to have most. A couple could use similar animations (I think) and the ones like the haunted house or fun house wouldn't really need much animation--they could easily be basically a long, thin rectangular box your sim just disappears into. They could add a couple new food stands to have fair-type for or styled more carnival-y. It'd be great to see some games added to! Classics like the ring toss, balloon/dart game, wack-a-mole, the one where you toss a ball into a cup and the one where you throw a ball to knock over bottles. I'd love if this one just focused on adding a new game play/interaction/things to do and build/buy items around that. Even if it meant focusing less on the CAS items. ![]() The next pack I would love to have is one all about vehicles! This one actually made me lead towards a racing themed pack at first but I ended up branching that into a different idea totally (I'll get to it later). I'd love for this pack to include two new careers! It's be cool to have a race car driver as an option (and have it work like any base-game careers) and have a mechanic as a career option! I'd image the mechanic to be like a GTW career. This way you could go with your sim to work at car repair shop, complete various tasks and work your way up. Or even own your own repair shop? Bonus! This would even give people the ability to run a car dealership using the own-a-shop ability you get from GTW. Sims could also go street racing to get some extra cash if they win. I'd love to see car-themed items come out of this pack. Race car driver and mechanic outfits. A race car bed and those drive-able toy cars (please include those feet powered yellow and red plastic ones from the 90s) for kids and toddlers. Gas station pump and other gas station items (possibly some retro items). Junk yard items could be fitting too. Have decor items of things like tires/tire stacks, old bumpers, motor oil, etc... Things you'd find in a mechanic's shop. As well as any items you'd need to do the mechanic career--like a pre-made 1-car garage and/or those things they have to raise and lower cars (I'm not sure of technical terms, forgive me). Of course family's would need a garage door and drive way item (like we did in the--I believe it was--the Sims 3...or was it 2). Oh! And we'd need cars. It'd be nice to get a small variety. Some sort of truck, motorcycle, van, car, SUV, classic jeep, sports car... Maybe some run down ones for cheaper prices and fancier ones that are much more pricey. I'd hope we'd get the ability to have teens learn how to drive (even if we don't necessarily see much animation--similar to the cars in previous games). A driving skill would be probably needed, especially if racing is a career. A risk of car accidents as a cause of death would be something new too--working similar to how people with low cooking skills can set themselves or the kitchen on fire. At least damaging the car in this way and needing it to be repaired could be interesting. ![]() This next idea would be a Stuff pack of my dreams! That's park stuff! I'd love some classic park items to make parks a little bit more interactive and enticing. Some of the item ideas I instantly thought of were things from my childhood parks--back when merry-go-rounds were still allowed. That's the first item and what makes me wish this pack was real, actually! I'd love to have those classic merry-go-rounds for parks. Swings would be a must as well! And slides that teens and under could use. I remember those large tall metal slides (some were plastic) in parks from when I was little. Some would have these wooden castle structures build around them. Some of those would have a slide attached to the side as well. Those are the main park items I'd want, but a "net" contraption (you see at parks now--they were metal domed monkey bars when I was younger) is also cool and those rocking horses on springs. That's all I'd super want out of this stuff pack. Again mostly objects for build/buy but some park/summer-y clothing could be cool too. And maybe some new plants/trees/etc. The ability to play/draw up hopscotch would be cute, as well! ![]() These next two started out as one idea but I figured it'd be too much for one pack of any sort so I broke it down. I'll start with the Fame pack idea. I believe it was in the Sims 3 when you could have famous sims. I miss that so much! I'd love to have that game play back. It'd be great to get a few new careers with it or make pre-existing careers more interactive to go with it. Singing, musician, comedian, social media... those sorts of careers could get your sims fame points. Paid gigs for musicians and comedians could come back. I'd be thrilled if a dream career of mine got added--fashion designer! I'd love for there to be a sewing skill added (as well as the needed items). I don't necessarily expect to be able to make original designs/outfits (unless the incorporate the Cats & Dogs tech to some sort of basic clothing silhouettes). I could easily imagine it being you get the option of a few different styles or pick the type of designer you want to be/item you want to sew and it'll pop out whatever the pre-made outfit is for that category and skill level (similar to wood working). Like you could be a wedding dress designer or focus on couture. For casual or overall offer different styles (basic ones like goth or punk, preppy, mens, hipster, etc...any combination of the existing styles). I can picture decor items like sewing mannequins, thread racks, blue tubs of fabric or fabric rolls being added. If there was just a fashion designer pack of some sort, in general, I'd love it. I was thinking it'd be cool if the dancing skill go a bit more added around it. This could increase fame points and maybe a sim could work there way up in a few different types of dancing (ballet, break dancing, tap, etc). They could be booked for gigs as well and preform on stages similar to how musicians and comedians did in the previous game where the fame game play was a thing. Stage items could come back too! Also, I'd hope the fame affecting relationships and sims' reactions to one another would be a thing again. ![]() The reason why this next part branched off from the above was because I felt like it could fit into it's own and it'd add too many careers or career changes in one pack, making it unlikely it'd be a thing. Also I realized it just didn't fit as well as other careers could with the fame system and all. This is really just bringing back what we had in the Sims 3 (again), where your sims could be a stylist or a tattoo artist. I know you can already alter every sims you see in CAS easily. But it'd be cool to have objects to make rad tattoo shops and glamorous hair salons. I'd die to have those items in game. Can you picture it?! We could items like tattoo artwork displays they hang up in shops, classic "Tattoo" parlor signs, a tattooing gun and station. Stylist could give up those mini-stage+mirror+wardrobe stations we had in the Sims 3, and maybe clothing racks possibly (with glamorous looking clothes). For hair salons we could get barber poles, salon chairs and hair washing sinks, mirrors with lights all around them, 1 tile "vanities" and decor items of various hair and makeup products. And let's be real, don't you want your sims to get paid for giving make overs to other sims? I do! I'd love to have that ability back. Another new detail that could fit into this pack (if they wouldn't just release it as a patch in the base game) is the ability to have body hair! I'd love to be able to make more furry guys with chest hair (and even back hair!?--legs and arms too). Maybe it's too much detail? But even just getting a chest hair option would be great! ![]() So, in the fan-voted game pack event they held, I fell in love with a couple of the other pack options. I really hope they make all those packs a thing in the future! Especially the dangerous and arcade stuff packs. I've been wanting more arcade games so I could build an arcade. And having new ways to die? That'd add so much to game play! I also loved the wedding stuff pack! It'd be so cool to get a wedding or event planner as a career and just more decor for weddings in general--clothing too. ![]() So far we've seen a lot of more realistic-styled and themed objects, clothing, packs, etc... I'd be so happy to receive some more whimsical and fantasy-inspired items. These next couple on my list revolve all around that. First one up: Fairies! There's actually a lot of mystical creatures I'd love to get back that we've had before but I'd specifically love a fairy pack. This could give so many new build/buy items you could only find in a fairy home. Over sized objects (thimbles, thread spools, etc) would be cool. Although I'm leaning more towards "earthy" furniture pieces. Imagine! Beds or hammocks made from a large leaf, work benches where the hammer is a pebble tied to a stick, small drooping flowers can make up lights, couches and chairs made out of vine-like wood, tree stump tables, giant mushrooms as trees, flower petal curtains and flower rugs. The possibilities are endless. Everything can be made from vines, flowers, grass, leaves, natural wood, etc... Of course some CAS items would have to include the ability to make fairies and wings! Nature-made clothing is a must! Dresses, tops, bottoms all made from leaves, flowers and earthy-looking materials. I'd be in heaven! ![]() This next pack idea would be a combination of both whimsical and realistic items. How about a candy themed pack!? I believe we had something similar in the Sims 3 (or whatever one that Katy Perry pack belonged to). I want to be able to open a candy shop. It'd be so cute to have classic candy shop decor items and wall papers. Maybe a gum ball machine?! Jars filled with various candies and signs shaped like candy pieces. Soda machines even? Old fashion soda shops are another place I'm drawing furniture piece inspiration from for this pack. An overall sweets shop is what it could be! Where does the whimsical come in? With giant candy themed furniture. Well... not giant furniture but giant candy that works as furniture. We could have pepper mint pillows, ice cream sandwich as coffee tables, chocolate bar beds, banana split couches, gum drop bean bag chairs! We could get giant candy trees made from lollipops and candy canes. We could get ginger bread wall paper and frosting roofs. Other packs that bring back witches, werewolves, zombies and so on would be nice too! I've even seen people suggest mermaids! I believe that was in a previous game, so I'd love to see that back. I didn't get to explore that game play too much before. ![]() Speaking of mermaids, I saw someone suggest it in a beach pack idea. I was thinking of the same thing for a while to. I'd love a beach pack (and possibly vacation world?)! We could get surfing, sailing, jet skiing, scuba diving and sun bathing as new interactions and skills? I don't expect to control them. I actually seeing them work well as a situation like how fishing works. Where there's certain areas where you can surf, sail, etc... and maybe you don't even see the full animations? Maybe the sims go off screen or something and you only seem them take off from the dock or beach? I'd be happy with a similar animation or set up to the surfing machine we had in the Sims 2 (on the Gamecube). It'd be cool to just have those as an option and skills, though. Risking getting a sunburn as a result of sunbathing too long or even doing any other activity for too long would be funny! Items like beach towels, surf boards, large beach umbrellas, tiki party or luau items, etc would be cool. It'd be nice to get some new bathing suits, hair styles and even some wet suits with flippers! I think adding life guards as another job for teens would be a neat idea too! And possibly adding marine biology as a career!? I don't see it being a GTW styled career per say. Just a normal career choice would be good enough for me. Maybe we'd get a few new types of aquatic pets or aquariums (like a salt water one with a few different new fish designs). ![]() While on the topic of tiki parties and luau items, I totally can see those being a part of a different pack I'd love for the Sims 4 to revist: Island Paradise. They could probably get away with throwing all of this stuff into one pack and making it an Expansion pack. You'll get ocean-focused activites like surfing and sailing but then more island, land-based activities like luaus and walking on the hot rocks. If you can explore the underwater area like you could in the old sims game, I see mermaids working here (again). This is where the scuba diving would come into play, as well. Being able to build a house boat would be neat too! Even if it's just one or two lots that give you that option. ![]() An old classic and favorite of mine, that I'm sure is coming at some point, is a university life pack! However they do it, I'm sure would end up great. I'd love to get some more focus put on elementary and high schools though. I know you wouldn't necessarily travel with the sims to school but getting back private schools and maybe hosting parent teaching meetings (even if it meant the teachers come to the house) would be fun! Make it an education expansion pack? I'd love for teaching to become a career choice. Especially if it could be a GTW styled career. I'd love to be able to travel to the school and possibly decorate the classroom at least? Even if we couldn't do that, I'd still want to get school themed items. White boards, chalk boards, rulers, student desks, pencil boxes, etc... Of course I want them dorm room backs! Sororities and fraternities too! Cheerleader uniforms, mascots, togas and private school uniforms. Football can be added as a sport. Items like laptops, backpacks, "beer" pong tables. If we have vehicles mopeds and scooters please? Oh bikes would be great to have back too! I'd hope we get a new world that's laid out to be one big college campus like previously. ![]() Thinking of bikes and racing made me go towards other wheel-based activities. I'd be cool to have a pack based around skating and bikes. I'm thinking skate boards, roller skates, roller blades, bikes, dirt bikes maybe? Adding skate parks and various "ramps" or build items needed to build a skate park. Adding a dirt textured swatch to these items would make it easy to convert to a place for dirt bikes--or just have a dirt bike course (an object or an area--like how fishing works--specifically for it). I assume there'd be a skating skill from this. Adding skater and street styled clothing/hair to go with this would be fitting. Items can be based all around a messy teen room, thinks you'd find in a skate shop and just the skate boards/blades/etc themselves. Roller derby inspired CAS items would be so cool! If roller derby or street hockey were added as a sport or activity, I'd love that. I can't remember if we had this in previous Sims games or not. But if we did, please bring it back. ![]() I too am on board with all the popular demands for a seasons pack. I want different clothing to be affected by different weather (or vise versa...however that makes sense). I liked when sims would get sick from being too hot or too cold when not dressed for the whether. I'd hope for a lot of new CAS items to come from this. Over-sized knitted sweaters for winter. Forest greens, pumpkin oranges and mustard yellows for autumn clothing. Plum hair and lip colors for autumn is a must! Hot chocolate machines and decor to fit the addition of winter? Maybe a diving board (even a diving skill) and pool slides for summer. New flowery items for spring. Cardigans for the fall? We can get back build snowman, having snowball fights and playing in leaves. Rainy days where umbrellas and raincoats will be needed! ![]() While still talking about seasons, if we don't get it in a seasons pack (which I hope this would all be in one and just be an expansion pack). I'd want winter sports. Specifcally ice skating! I'd love to get an ice skating rink and an ice skating skill. Figure skating as a career or some sort of activity/a type of skating action you can unlock by leveling up would be amazing!! Snowboarding and skiing too please! It'd be great to get full blown snow outfits and figure skating dresses! I can see lots of new beanies being fitting and some cute new hair styles to go with the figure skating outfits. Again, pretty sure we had some of this stuff before. I'd just love to get it back but a bit updated and with some new and improved actions! ![]() I feel this next one is a much needed stuff pack: Elderly Stuff pack! I feel like elderly aged sims are the least played and just don't receive as much attention or game time. There isn't much revolving around them specifically either. I'd love if we would get a retirement home lot (can work similar to apartments or dorm rooms but limited to elderly age sims only). I'd also love to get bingo back and maybe add shuffle board? I feel there's a lot of new items and clothing that could come out of this pack. We all know what a typical grandma/grandpa home looked like (they all have a recliner) and what there clothing is--they aren't called grandpa sweaters for nothing. I'd just love to see more items made specifically for them so that maybe they'd receive some more game time. ![]() The last pack I want to go into depth talking about (at least in this post) is a casino pack! This could add a new casino lot type. I would hope this could be a bit more "risque" and add a smoking action. I assume the sims wouldn't want to necessarily encourage smoking org glorify it, so I figured a sim could pick up smoking but it could decrease a sim's life span, cause illness or come with the risk of causing death? I just would like to have a casino that has a more grunge-y and sketchy vibe. I'd love to get all sorts of casino movie/movie scene inspired CAS items. Maybe mob looking wear? A user could create a the mafia or something through club options. Of course new items with new actions like casino styled card tables and different card games, slot machines and roulette tables. It'd be pretty cool if they included pole dancing too! You could make a mini Las Vegas! Which would mean a cool fountain with a light show? The more I think about this pack, the more I want it. I want some more dark, grunge, shady, scandalous, edgy vibed packs! And to end it there's a few things I would like to see in game. Not sure where they'd fit or how to incorporate them. I could see a few that would be a great item just to patch into the base game or a pre-existing pack. Bunk beds. Everyone's been asking for bunk beds. Please give us bunk beds some way, some how! Some different careers. These could probably even have their own game or stuff pack around them. Archaeology and fire fighter! I loved the fire fighter career from the Sims 3. The starter home pack they had listed from the fan-voted pack event also sounded amazing. I'd love more pre-home, worn down, low priced items. And that's it for now! I have a lot more ideas and a lot more previous packs I miss, plus some ideas other's have mentioned that I've fallen in love with. I hope to see some packs similar to these in the future! Fingers crossed. I'll probably be making another post with more pack wants in the future.
~Positive Outcomes Only~ I've had to pause my newsletter this past month or so. It'll be paused for another few months. I'm swamped with con-prep for the final few conventions of the year and I'm trying to re-work my layout. Thanks for staying subscribe and patient during! The newsletters will be back before you know it (and hopefully better).
~Positive Outcomes Only~
I received this Salt Lamp from Himalayan Salt Solution on Amazon in exchange for an honest review.
I'm really happy with this lamp. I was interested in it from the start because I've never really seen anything like this. I didn't even think it would be a real salt "rock" to be honest--but it was! That being said, after shipping, once you take it out of the box, be careful! There's going to be some dust bits and maybe a few small pieces that chipped off in shipping that'll fall out. It didn't make the rock or anything look damage. It still looks great! It's also a lot heavier than I expected. It's not ridiculously heavy or anything, but I guess since I was expecting a plastic, hollow fake rock, I was expecting it to be nearly weightless. I'm really glad it's a real rock though--I didn't think a salt rock could be used as a lamp or made into one! I know the listing says real but for some reason I still didn't full grasp it. Whoops! I love how earthy this is and what a "nature"-y vibe it can give a place. Definitely something I'm happy to have in my home. The lamp has different levels of brightness you can adjust with a turn dial. It won't get super bright, not enough to light a room well though. It's very much a "mood" light and gives off a red glow. This is exactly what I was expecting though! So I guess, if you're wanting a bright light to light a room, this isn't it. Overall I'm really happy with the lamp. I like the earthy aesthetic it gives and the glow. I think it looks super cute in my new place :)
I received this light from Spriak (on Amazon) in exchange for an unbiased review. The short video (where this screenshot is taken from) is on my Instagram. On to the review!
This light actually surprised me. I wasn't expecting different settings and for it to be as bright/strong as it was. To be honest, I was expecting it to be like one of those cheap lights you'd get from a school fundraiser or something. I was wrong! The lights are actually very bright and strong in color--it shows up super well even in bright, daylight. The light also comes with different motor functions/speeds and different color patterns (you can have it rotating through a mix of all colors, just one or different combinations of two). It also has a flashing option which makes it work more like a strobe light or the lights you see at raves. There's a way to either play music through it or have a music source hooked up to it and it'll pulse along with the music (I have yet to try this function though--this is just according to the instructions). There's also a way to pause the motor so the lights stay put. I'm excited to try this out for different and fun Cosplay Showcase videos and see if there's a way to work with it for lighting effects when shooting cosplay photos. Thanks again Spriak! ~Positive Outcomes Only~ |
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